Thursday 6 December 2012

Letter to Santa 2012.

Dear Santa (again). 

I really don't want much this year, honest. At my age, I've already amassed most of what I need, so please keep your all toasters, golf trollies, and Black and Decker stuff for those who really need them.

What I do need, however, are a variety of Teflon coated clothes that deflect moulted dog hairs, a magic wand that would make a ridiculous orange wall completely disappear (I'll say no more), and a Harris Tweed solar heated overcoat.  

I would also like a box of 'one a year suntan pills', a small pile of everlasting Oak logs, and several packets of non-GM vegetable seeds that repel all types of annoying insects.

Maybe I've already asked for too much, but if you also have a contact for some decent 'Layers Pellets' that really would make my hens lay all year round, then just the name and address of the supplier would be fine.

That's it. Nothing special. Mostly labour saving and comfort devices.

As usual, your mince pies, glass of Scotch, and carrots for the gang, will be waiting by the fireside on the big night.

Best wishes from your good friend, Cro x 


  1. What a pragmatic chap you are..that is a really good list....mmmmm now let me think about mine........

  2. Ah, but what of world peace, room-temperature fusion, the end of famine and the return of music as we know it?

    1. I asked for all that last year.... and look what we got!

  3. That orange wall again!

    This will surely be one of the more amusing wish lists Santa receives this year. Rather than an overcoat, I am going to ask for solar powered airconditioned shorts.

    Since the Pope now has a twitter account, I wonder if Santa will do the same? With only 120 characters allowed, it would keep his shopping lists short.

  4. Dear Santa, I want a fleece onesie, pink or leopard print (even though my family have said they will disown me if I ever wear such an article) and a large bag of licorice allsorts.

    1. I agree with your family about the dreadfully named 'ONESIE'. And I agree with you about the Licorice (wheels for me please).

  5. I'd say they were all reasonable requests, you should be lucky there...

  6. I hope you get everything on your list Cro.

  7. Forget Santa, he is old world. Amazon now fulfills all your wishes and the magic words are, "Add to Cart".

  8. Dear Cro, Santa emailed me to say that his elves were busy packing your wish list right at this moment. Love Molly

  9. Love the "non GMO seeds that repel insects"!! I need to ask Santa for some of those too!!

    Nice list, Cro. I hope Santa is good to you this year!

  10. I would like a bottle of single malt that refills over night. I’m a simple man with simple needs.

    1. Doc, I have an unopened bottle of 35 year old Glenlivet single malt sitting in the rack. I may broach it this winter... you'd be welcome to join me for a few drams.

  11. I like the list very much.

    Perhaps Santa can send a troupe of elves to repaint the orange wall? At least on your side, to colours more to your liking. Do you want a mural, camouflage, or some other colourway?

  12. My list is short....I'd like an hour to myself every day.

  13. Good luck getting those clothes that are impervious to pet hair. It'd be nice if I EVER stepped out the door without hair sticking to my clothes, but it is what it is. Besides, people might not recognize me without it. Oh, and I'll have some of that licorice, too. I can eat it while brushing the hair off.
