Friday 7 December 2012


For some bizarre reason, my Late Flowering Purple Sprouting Broccoli has become Early Flowering Purple Sprouting Broccoli.

Usually this sees us through much of March and April, but this year it has gone bananas, and started to flower even before Christmas. This means that in Early spring we shall probably have no green vegs at all; unless they somehow start to flower again (which I doubt).

You can probably see by the stripped stem on the left (above), that we have already started to eat our sprouts. Usually I don't touch them until Christmas Day, but this year they just shouted out 'Eat Me'; and we have.

Otherwise Haddock's meagre crops comprises of Curly Kale, Carrots, and Swiss Chard; for which I am, of course, grateful. 

I really should be better organised; certain nearby veg gardens are overflowing with much more interesting offerings. Next year!!

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  1. I have the most delicious sprouts recipe - sliced thin and sauteed with shallots, then glazed with sugar and vinegar (just a touch). Oh. Yum.

    1. I love sprouts. People tend to just boil them; but, you're right, they can be played with to become even more delicious.

  2. I'd better go and check on my purple sprouting I have a few varieties for a more spread out harvest. I can't grow sprouts for some reason they just won't form tight heads but I do enjoy them cooked with chopped chestnuts.

  3. My spring daffs are coming up, not that I want to eat them though.

  4. Are you quite certain that you set the timer correctly when you planted them? Broccoli eggs can be such fiddly things.

    Glad to see that you are a sproutist - one of the best vegetables ever invented by mankind.

  5. So that's what sprouts look like when they are growing! I imagined rows of miniature cabbages growing in a doll's house of a garden.

    I love sprouts and so does my son, Alex, he can scoff a whole plate of them. Marcia par boils them, tips them into an oven proof dish, covers them with a very mild cream cheese sauce and beadcrumbs before finishing them off in the oven. She does the same sort of thing with broccoli but she boils up a chicken, strips the flesh, uses the stock to make the sauce then assembles the dish, a mixture of chicken and broccoli, covers it with the sauce (in which she will have added sliced mushrooms if available, dusting of bread crumbs and finish in the oven.

    1. I tend to par boil them, then sauté in butter with thin strips of smoked bacon. I like the sound of the creamy cheese sauce.

  6. I'll have to ask the mice what they thought of my sprouts.

  7. Those sprouts look really good.

  8. Roast those sprouts, baby. Delicious!

  9. Love sprouts. We blanch them and then lay them on a baking sheet, butter a foil and lay it over the sprouts like a tent and bake them until a little golden. They have wonderful nutty flavor.

  10. I hated sprouts until I met my husband, who, instead of boiling them to a grey slimy mush, introduced me to stir fried sprouts with cashews and I was hooked!

    1. The worst sprouts I've ever eaten were here in France. They must have been boiled for 3 days, fried in goose fat for another two, then dipped in pond sludge (well they tasted like that anyway).

  11. I am not going to feel sorry for you....we have parsnips resting under snow and that is it! All cruciferous veggies were pulled up weeks ago and stuffed into the freezer.
