Saturday 10 November 2012

Yesterday Morning's Walkies!

What's been going on here, I have no idea. An old tree stump covered in chestnuts. Someone has gone to all the trouble of gathering several kilos of nuts, then just abandoned them. Bizarre.

I found this mushroom about a day too late. I have no idea what it is, but it's very spectacular. It looks as if it could be a member of the stinkhorn family; but without the stink. Unless it's a cooked octopus (quintopus) that fell from the sky!

And Monty is as helpful as ever. He always brings back wood for the fire. Good Boy!
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  1. Perhaps someone collected those lovely chestnuts and left them to go and get a bag or bucket.

  2. That's a handy bit of kindling Monty has brought home, once you snap it into bits. What an obliging chap.

    No idea about the chestnuts!

  3. I've now found the red Fungus. It's 'Clathrus archeri', also known as 'Devil's fingers', or 'Octopus stinkhorn'. Amazingly it's actually edible, but tastes foul!

  4. a journey of discovery every morning the weird and the wonderful.

  5. Love the alien emerging from the ground...

  6. Amazing fungus. Does Monty try to go through narrow doors carrying things like that? Thought so.

  7. Very jealous that you have accessible woods for your daily meander...

  8. That is one oddball mushroom. Edible or not, I don't think I would be tempted.

  9. Where was Bok when Monty was hard at work gathering kindling? Or, does Bok think his job is to scout ahead of you and keep you safe?

    1. Bok keeps well out of the way when Monty has half a tree in his mouth.

  10. That's the maddest fungi I've ever seen!

  11. That mushroom looks like a starfish! And MOnty is a very good boy. Beautiful doggy.

  12. Maybe a chipmunk lives in the stump and just ran out of room in the den........
    Good boy, Monty!!
