Sunday 11 November 2012

Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont.

I don't like violence, car crashes, explosions, wholesale slaughter, etc, on TV or in the movies; so I was pleased to discover this quietly moving (made for TV?) film recently.

Made in 2005, it stars Joan Plowright, Anna Massy, Milicent Martin, and newcomer Rupert Friend, amongst a host of others. 

A simple story of an 'elderly' woman who, by chance, meets a charming young man. Their deepening relationship (almost like an Oscar Wilde farce) becomes increasingly complicated, touching, and tragic.

Nothing spectacular about this short film, but just pure non-violent enjoyment; a rare beast. If you can find it, may I recommend it.  


  1. Have made a note of it - I see the local library has both the book and dvd.

    1. The DVD would be perfect for a rainy Sunday afternoon!

  2. Thoroughly enjoyed this movie as did my husband!

  3. One of my favourite films - I have also done a post about this film on one of my blogs some time ago - seems we have the same taste

    1. I've only just seen it on TV recently, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Rare for me because of the serenity. Violence is not my bag!

  4. If it does not feature endless violence, drugs, "gangstas", juvenile dialogue or "high-school" kids pretending to be adults then it gets my vote! Thanks for the tip, I too shall seek it out.

    p.s. car chases are OK for me provided that they are in context and plausible - no 'Skyfall' diese LandRover Defenders outpacing Audi A6s and such.

  5. I really enjoyed that movie. Enthusiastically recommended!

  6. While I do enjoy a good action movie (think Die Hard series), I too loved this movie! Thanks for reminding me of it - worth a second watch!

  7. Sounds like my kind of thing. Thanks for the tip.

  8. Sounds like my kind of movie. Will keep an eye out for it. Probably have to watch it alone, as the guys here don't like that sort of thing.

  9. I'll put it on the list. Looks good.

  10. Thanks for the recommendation - I love movies like that and just added it to my Netflix Queue. Two you might like (both non-violent, touching, and full love lovely characters) are "Once" and "Sweet Land."

  11. Sounds like my kinda movie. (Until I discover the "elderly" woman is actually younger than I am, that is!) Thanks for the recommendation.

  12. Now I know what to do this weekend. Find this film and watch it. Solely because YOU told me to :)

    1. You'll have to say you enjoyed it; even if you didn't!!

  13. I saw the preview for this and have yet to watch it. Thanks for the nudge.

  14. Thank you for this recommendation. I found it on Netflix and I can stream it via my computer. I look forward to it, as I share your views on violent movies.

    1. watched the movie -- how touching and beautiful it is. i love the story, and the actors are superb. Thanks, Cro.
