Thursday 18 October 2012

The Day Begins, Thus.

Mornings (outdoors) always start with a visit to the hens. Even in the early hours they are noisily demanding to be let out. I open their door and throw them a handful of crushed maize; I'll return to them later with some more tasty morsels.

The boys are the real object of my early morning walk. They need to be emptied, and to give vent to their overnight energy build-up. It's always their favourite walk of the day.

Of course I'm always on the look-out for mushrooms. Yesterday morning I found this beauty, which I think is a 'Beefsteak (or Ox Tongue) Fungus'. Apparently it IS edible; but no thanks, it looks a tad 'chewy'!

We are still only half way through the Chestnut season, so I stop to fill my pockets. This year we made a decision to eat many more than we usually do. It's crazy to live in an area that's known for its Chestnuts, and not eat them by the bucket-load. So, no roast has gone un-roasted without roasting some nuts!

And finally home again, and a quick 'good morning' to the horses who each receive a small piece of carrot. I have an insatiable desire to feed ALL animals; my Barbour pockets are permanently filled with dog biscuits, carrots, stale bread, and other miscellaneous unmentionable edibles.

I'm adding a picture of our resident mouse-catcher, Freddie. He's so aloof and secretive that you'd hardly know that we have a cat, but here is the proof; he was waiting for me when we returned.

Hello Fred!


  1. I was reading about the beefsteak mushroom a few days ago - it said it was delicious and just like the texture of a good steak.

    1. Maybe I should be brave, and try it. It's still young.

    2. Even though I read that I don't know whether I would be brave enough to try such a lethal looking mushroom.

  2. Lovely way to begin the day, Cro. Chestnusts--A-a-ah Chestnuts. They are $7.99 a pound in our local market right now. You keep talking about all your wonderful food, and we'll all come trooping across the pond to live in your guest house. Buying my ticket tomorrow.

  3. A very early good morning to you Mr. M. and Lady M.
    Lovely post of your morning routine to share. Its almost midnight here early Thursday morning, and I cannot sleep, or close my eyes.
    Mornings are a wonderful thing to wake up to, especially where you are, just a joy.
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. One of the reasons I enjoy walking in the cooler months is simply because my coat has so many useful pockets for all those treats, dog treats, dog lead, poop bag, telephone, hankie, camera, house keys. Freddie is a handsome chap.

  5. I sometimes wish we had a dog....we have two cats (thanks to indulging a daughter who is now away at Uni.,)and they do not need us - other than to feed them of course. Yet a dog would make us walk everyday whether we felt like it or not and that would, I suspect, be a good thing. You seem to live an almost perfect life .... nature, animals, the elements....not lovely.

    1. Dogs certainly make you get out and about. I'm an early riser anyway, but they can't be ignored.

  6. Just another glimpse of paradise - is your cat a good mouser - when I kept chickens we were always overrun with rats - definitely a downside.

    1. He always used to be a good mouser, now we hardly ever see him.... No rats as yet, maybe Freddie's to thank for that.

  7. I have missed so many blogs but have been slowly catching up,I love your hens Cro,they make me smile,actually your blog generally makes me smile even at times when the heart is very heavy,a thank you from me to you and your lovely homeland.

  8. Replies
    1. Lady M's horse pills perhaps? It's always best to let a woman take control of these things.

  9. I tried beefsteak mushroom once. Not again, thank you.

  10. I can hardly stand up, outside. There's a warm south-easterly wind howling. It's been blowing since early afternoon yesterday. As yet no real damage!

  11. Having a dog ensures that you get up I the morning and start your motor running. Since they have to walk, so do you. Having an animal extends your life and the quality of it in so many ways.

  12. Hello, indeed. Fred is one handsome cat and knows it.

  13. Freddie is a compact and powerful looking little guy. Cheek rubbies to you Freddie.

  14. I love the way Freddy is standing with feet together so prim.

  15. What a wonderful way to start the day. Love all the photos. Thanks Cro, for sharing your life. Guess you are feeling some better?

  16. Life is good for Bok now...very, very good. He and Monty best friends forever. That friendship must be a joy to witness, both waking up with a spring in their steps.

  17. Love your pictures. Your early morning walk looks brilliant. We're having something of an Indian Summer here which is good.

  18. You're not kidding about how much Freddie looks like my Alex. Handsome boy! Love these pics, and your doggies, and the chestnuts! ANd the horses, too. ;)

  19. PS Your chickens are looking good! Some of mine are moulting and look like absolute hell!

  20. I love the morning routine of your days...sounds quite idyllic to this city gal. I used to have dogs, and they do indeed motivate one to get up and get out early.

  21. At 05:30 when the alarm sounds the Manor halls are filled with thundering paws all trying to get to the door first. I love that sound ;O)
