Wednesday 17 October 2012

I've been unwell (and still am).

Lady M: Take these!

Cro: What are they?

Lady M: Never mind, just swallow them.

Cro: They're the size of horse pills.

Lady M: Don't be such a baby.

Cro: If you gave one of those to a baby, it'd choke. What's in them?

Lady M: They're for Arthritis; I think they're made from Pineapple, and were very expensive.

Cro: But I haven't got Arthritis, and I don't care how much they cost; I've got a bloody cold!

Lady M: Well you will have Arthritis if you don't hurry up and take these.

Cro: I'm not taking them.

Lady M: Do you want me to put them in some jam for you?

Cro: I'm not taking them.

Lady M: Shut up and bend over.


Lady M: Well don't be such a big girl's blouse; open your mouth!

Cro: Oh for goodness sake.... anything for a quiet life (takes mouth-size pill).... Jeeee-zusss; that was bloody enormous, I think it's got stuck!

Lady M: You big baby.

Cro: Exits stage right... heads for Haddock's... seeks sympathy from hens... sulks.


  1. Ha ha - well, even if you are still not well your post made me feel a lot better.

  2. hehe...what are you? 5 years old?

    Very funny post! And I hope you feel better soon.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. She listen up!

  5. May I recommend a vetinarian blow-pipe?

    It'll do nothing for your pills, but played correctly they do sound awfully like the Scotchish bagpipes.

    Learn from your mistakes Mr Magnon, and slowly convince Mrs Magnon that pills will only go down when wrapped in truffle omelettes and followed by brandy.

    1. I have no idea what size a throat is, but these were two sizes up!

  6. Ha-ha-ha! That is very funny. Poor Cro, hope you feel better soon.

  7. You know she does it because she loves you.

  8. Just take them Cro and don't complain, these pills are probably available in pessary form and you don't want that do you!

    Note to Lady M- do you remember when we were little and your Mum would hold your nose and pour foul tasting liquid down your throat, with cries of "It'll do you good". Might be time to brush up on your nose pinching technique.

  9. Sounds like the pessary form that you took...

    Are you feeling better yet?

  10. I hope you soon feel better - this has been going on for a while, hasn't it?

    1. I'm into my FOURTH week; but I am feeling a bit better now. Thanks, probably, to the Horse Pills.

  11. I think I'd like to hear the other side of this story............feel better.....

  12. I hope you feel better soon. Four weeks is a long time to feel unwell.
    I was always amazed, in France, at how many of my prescriptions came in pessary form!

  13. Mr. M.
    I have a bullet piller for cattle here at the house. I would be glad to let the lovely Lady M use it. Works great on big
    Its not funny, Mr. M, and I hate pills too, so please, I'm sending healing karma your way.
    Just don't let the lovely Lady M use this piller on the other end... Its big enough to be used as an enema.

  14. Honey. Take them with Honey. Or whiskey. Better yet whiskey and honey. For Gods sake just take them

  15. I'm a big fan of the supplements and homeopathic remedies but they can get a little 'oversized'. Get yourself a pill cracker and take them in two bits.

  16. God help the wife with a sick husband! ;))) Seriously though, hope you feel better very soon!

  17. Sounds like it would have been easier to swallow the whole pineapple.

  18. Poor old you. Get better soon.

  19. Hope you feel better soon - that brought back memories - you always had your pills in jam as a child!!!!!!!!

  20. For some reason, prenatal vitamins are enormous - just at a time when nearly everything makes you throw up. I never understood the logic.

  21. I do hope you're feeling better soon. I've also wondered why some of those pills are so large. Relaxing the throat while swallowing can help, but if you've got a sore throat it's hard to do, even if the pill is the size of a small pea.

    I'm sure Lady M wants you well.
