Saturday 8 September 2012

I Bloody Despair.

It's been stinking bloody hot here, and my bloody neighbour insists on lighting his stupid bloody wood-fired furnace to heat his water.

Only recently has he erected a pig-ugly row of 'in-yer-face' bloody Solar Panels to do the job (nothing wrong with that, you might think).

But regardless, he continues to light a bloody great fire in his stinking bloody smoking furnace, and smoke out the whole bloody area; even my bloody chickens have been coughing.

Like most 'normal' people, WE have a small immersion heater that heats our water for about two hours a night, without the tiniest wisp of smoke. So why does this bloody idiot find it necessary to have his huge ugly Solar Panels, plus an industrial style smoke stack, to do exactly the same job.

Throughout the summer we've had this unbelievable bloody performance every couple of days. And there was I thinking that 'eco heating systems' were supposed to be people, and environment, friendly.

I should add that his bloody wood-fired furnace is HUGE. Just to heat enough bloody water for a couple of days takes about half a cubic bloody metre of wood!  No wonder he keeps cutting down every-bloody-thing that bears leaves.

My picture may not do it justice, but the whole valley (as per bloody usual) was thick with smoke.......WHY DOES IT SMOKE SO BLOODY MUCH?

M A T R O N!!!!!!

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  1. Quick, Matron, the screens! Yes, some people unfortunately, don't have a bloody clue. Even more unfortunate when they live next door. Neighbours, eh!

  2. Oh dear - all is not well in paradise! Is he approachable - or would he shoot you if you made a friendly suggestion that he is a nightmare.

  3. Are you entirely certain that there is no locomotive just behind the bushes? Never over-estimate the intelligence of human beings.

    Neighbours! You can't live with them and - no, that's all, you can't live with them.

    1. As can be seen in the photo, there was not even the hint of a breeze. But just a few minutes before, we were in the pool and could hardly see as far as our inflatable crocodile.

  4. Oh bloody hell.... this, I take it, is the same neighbour who encroaches on your property in order to build his wall? There is always one termite in paradise.

    1. 'Fraid so. Thank goodness he's about 150 metres away; any nearer and I'd probably be in prison!

  5. Neighbours. You could always make him an offer he can't refuse without him ending up going up his own chimney.

  6. All it takes is one inconsiderate neighbour. Back in the UK we had a neighbour who used to take pleasure in lighting his bonfire as close to our boundary fence as possible, usually when I had washing out. One day he overstepped the mark and actually set light to our wooden fence. Funnily enough he never lit another bonfire after that incident.

    1. We still refuse to stoop to his level, otherwise a few well placed bonfires might make him think; although I doubt it!

  7. That would be very annoying. I wouldn't like all that smoke either. Not sure what to tell you . . . but I send my sympathies.

  8. This post reminds me of a story called "Father Christmas" that I used to read to our kids when they were young. Every other word out of the Brit Santa's mouth was "bloody". It struck us as hysterical. Sorry you have such a bloody clueless neighbor, though.

  9. Our neighbour has an outdoor swimming pool. The heater is on 24/7 winter, spring, summer, fall. It makes a noise. It puts out fumes. And guess what? For the thirteen years we've lived next door his house has been EMPTY. No one lives there, no one uses the pool.

    I agree with The Owl Wood. Neighbours. You can't live with 'em.

  10. Oh and I complain about the bbq smoke in my bedroom each day I forget to shut the windows in the morning... From some neigbours you hardly can smell anything, from some hazardous fumes evaporate...
    Sometimes I'd love to grill some extra fat mackerels and a bunch of dripping real mergueze though I don't eat them any more, just when those are just having a lovely afternoon coffee.

  11. Good grief!! THat's a hell of a lot of smoke. Once again I am grateful that my nearest neighbour is a kilometre over.

  12. i'd suggest to him to use a rocket stove / rocket mass heater, plenty of tutorials on youtube.
