Sunday 9 September 2012

A Quandary.

Imagine you have an 'occasional' neighbour who is hardly ever in residence at her tiny 'cabanon'. Imagine also that she has five fully laden, roadside, Peach trees; the fruit on which is perfectly ripe, and dropping by the dozen.

Do you walk past them each day thinking 'what an irresponsible woman she must be', or do you surreptitiously fill your pockets?

What a difficult question.... need I tell you my own answer.

Naughty Cro; but as I often say 'I do hate waste'. Just look at that tree, and there are  another four the same!!!

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  1. The living is obviously very cheap over there. They look delicious.

  2. Oh my, how delicious. I hope you're filling more than just your pockets!

  3. I would have absolutely no compunction about picking them up - we pay £1 for just four practically inedible ones in the supermarket.

    1. I'm just back from walking the dogs, and guess what's in my bag?

  4. Go for it I say - beat the birds to them! Waste not want not ;]

  5. You are never too old to go scrumping!

  6. I really hope someone is rescuing my figs as they ripen and fall to the ground to rot, while I am not there. I would be very happy if you were my neighbour, and they were my trees.

  7. On peut absolument pas les laisser abimer! Would be a shame to let them go to to waste, the wasps would have a feast though.
    I would pick them up!

  8. I say pick them, can them and give her a few jars.

  9. I say, forget filling your pockets and bring a large pail. Make some jam and give her a few jars when she's next back.

  10. Anyone who lets gorgeous peaches go to waste like that deserves to have them eaten by someone else!!!!

  11. I'd be filling my pockets and pails as well. I'd also be glad to share with her as a thank you.

    1. I have now decided to bottle some. If she turns up to pick them; I'll keep the bottles. If she doesn't; I'll give them to her. That way she gets her Peaches whatever she does. Perfect.

    2. You are totally correct to pick the Peaches eat some, give others away, bottle the remainder and give the good woman a fair share. That is what any moral gentleman would do Cro

  12. I think we are all in agreement. They are just going to wasps and yellow jackets on the ground. I would love to see what you do with them in jars.

  13. I would pick as many as possible if I were you! If they're letting them go to waste, why should they care? They look absolutely delicious!

    I've had the same dilemma for years now about a crabapple tree located in a church parking lot near my house. It is loaded with fruit each August and no one seems to appreciate it but the birds. I would love to make crabapple jelly....but the idea of stealing from a church just seems wrong! Although I'm pretty sure no one ever thinks of picking the crabapples. Lots of churches/businesses have crabapple trees for spring flowers only.

  14. I am quite furious with your neighbor. We do not get access to fruit here where I live at all, and what is in our grocery here I would not feed a parrot.
    I would not even hesitate to fill my bags and I would even make a midnight run for more.
    Enjoy, Mr. M.

  15. If she's a nice neighbour, then surely she would be glad for you to make use of them - she might even appreciate a jar of bottled peaches in the winter.

  16. What a "peachy" post Cro.I would help myself as if they were my trees I would be only too pleased to have someone eat them.If they were neglected over here they would be full of fruit fly..I wonder do you have that problem over there?

  17. It seems like the ultimate sin... to steal velvety, buttocky, syrupy, blushing golden PEACHES.

  18. Replies
    1. Thank you everyone. You have confirmed my thoughts. I should add that our own Peach trees have been a dismal failure this year, so all the more reason to save hers from rotting on the ground!

  19. Rather belatedly, I'm with the pick them and give her some of whatever you do with them crowd...and maybe ask her if next year it's okay to do the same. As others have said: if they were my trees I'd be glad someone was using the fruit (especially if they gave me some of the fruit back!)

  20. This "problem" comes up in my neighborhood with yellow transparent apples. I knock on the door and ask if I can buy some of their apples. They always say, "Oh, those old things! Please just take them." Since she's not often in residence, I pin "some" money to her door with a note saying you purchased "some" of her peaches. And yes, offer her some of the bottled ones.
