Monday 13 August 2012

London 2012. The Olympics.

There is no quibbling (other than a few sour grapes from Scotland and maybe France) that the London Summer Olympics have been not only a roaring success, but one of the best Olympic Games ever. And there are two people who deserve special thanks and praise.

Firstly dear old Chirac (above). It was almost 'in the bag' for Paris, until Chirac opened his big mouth and placed his fat foot firmly inside. He made disparaging remarks about the cuisine of both Finland and England, and certain members of the selection committee took umbrage, and decided not to vote for France (I should remind people that England had just recently been voted 'Gastronomic Nation of the Year 2002' by the influential American Gourmet Magazine).

Secondly one has to acknowledge the hard work of Lord Coe. He has worked tirelessly since 2003 to secure and make the games the success that they have most certainly been.

The whole preparation (from start to finish) must have been a logistical nightmare, and the buck always has to stop somewhere. So WELL DONE Seb; you did a grand job, and that buck didn't need to stop anywhere!

My personal congratulations also go to absolutely everyone involved. The athletes, the volunteers, the plumbers, the ticket touts, the road cleaners, the gun firers, and of course the supporters. You were all BLOODY MARVELLOUS! 


  1. You have hit the nail right on the head - it has all been fantastico.

  2. Couldn't agree with you more, Cro! Bloody marvellous.


  4. Ruddy hell Sir - have I missed the games? Gosh and golly indeed, I shall have to well, er, yes indeed, finished you say? Finished? Halleruddylujah.

  5. It's been a great shock to cynics like me that we pulled it off.....and with such brilliance. I remember my fears when watching the handover ceremony in 2008 when a London bus appeared and Boris cavorted around....but I take it all has been amazing, although Boris should still avoid cavorting.

  6. what's this with the flying poodle then?

    (no TV in our house).

    1. WOT; you've never heard of the Chirac/poodle scandal?

    2. No, I have no idea what this is about :-D

  7. I absolutely agree.
    It has been a revelation. Maybe it's always possible to do a great job if you throw enough money at it but that doesn't diminish the efforts of all involved. It would have been a disaster if we tried to do it on a shoestring so for me it was worth every penny.

    BTW I have no idea of the Chirac/poodle scandal - please enlighten us !!

    1. Just look at the expression on the poodle's face; it says it all!

  8. The sight of Boris 'dad dancing' to the Spice Girls last night will forever be ingrained as a defining moment in my head. It was then that I realised I was actually going to miss all the daftness, and all the blood, sweat and tears that went into making the Olympics a truly enjoyable experience. Like Janice, I was initially cynical that we could pull everything off; I'm very glad I was proved wrong!

    1. I think that's how we all feel (those of us who DON'T run and jump).

  9. You should doubly happy. France and the UK did well. What I couldn't get past was not only how perfectly conditioned all the athletes were, but how attractive they all were as well. I look forward to Rio.

    1. I noticed that myself. There were some stunning young women, and many of the men had classic chiselled 'film-star' looks. I'm sure the human race is becoming more only has to look at old photos or paintings.

  10. You're right; the Olympics were super. If there were any problems once everything got underway, I sure didn't hear about them. Such an enormous undertaking, but as y'all say, "Bloody well done!"

  11. A couple of hairy moments - one when they lost the keys to the football stadium, two when somebody raised the South Korean Flag instead of North Korea's - yoops, but yes it was like you say - pretty brilliant.

  12. The best comment that I heard came from a Canadian reporter when asked what he thought of the opening ceremony. "Freakin' weird," he said, "but great!"
    I've loved it all. (Please note how many medals Yorkshire won!)
