Tuesday 14 August 2012

Bottling Sunshine.

It's THAT time of year again. The only thing I'm doing differently this year is that I'm taking things easy, and doing just 4 bottles at each go.  It makes life easier, and I'll probably end up with more variety.

Yesterday's little lot was Ratatouille; an equal mix of Tomatoes, Aubergines, Courgettes, and green Peppers.

Et viola, that's the finished job. Four 500gm jars (one's hiding) ready for winter Tagines, Curries, and Casseroles. I'll do another 16 maybe, then I'll start on the Figs.

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  1. Ooh, lovely. Bottled sunshine. I can almost smell the fumes in that top photo!

  2. Can't believe you've got a bucketful of tomatoes there - it will be a while yet before I can get going on Ratatouille properly. It will be great having a taste of summer all winter.

  3. Four bottles of sunshine already. Even if I used all our sunshine ingredients we would end up with a teaspoonful.

    1. Oh dear, and we've got to the stage when we would just love to give buckets-full away.

  4. I made some plum chutney yesterday (Saturday's wind brought loads down from the trees). Unfortunately I think the mixture got a bit too hot in the pan and it started to erupt like a volcano sending dollops of molten plum lava all over the cooker and kitchen wall. What a sticky mess!

    1. A friend (who used to own the Lumberjack chateau) did very much the same with a pressure cooker. I stupidly offered to clean the ceiling and walls for her... it took two days. Never trust a pressure cooker.

  5. Beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. I bet it's delish.

  6. Lovely photos. Slightly drooling now...

  7. Cro, the ratatouille looks lovely. Did you use a pressure cooker with these or a hot water bath? I am leery of pressure cookers.

    1. Just a hot water bath. 50 mins at a 'rolling boil'. I love the Le Parfait system, it never fails.

  8. Beautiful! I love putting food in jars! Great job.

  9. well done. summertime now available at any time of year.

  10. Yum! And I adore your pretty green pot!
