Thursday 23 August 2012

It's Been So Very HOT.

After my recent posting of the fire-fighter and Koala, it's been difficult to get water off our minds.

We have been spending our days just hiding in darkened rooms, and occasionally making a mad dash for the pool (which has usually been overflowing with our neighbours' kids).

No doubt some violent storm will soon bring it all to an end, and Autumn will be along before we have time to complain. But for the moment water is our only saviour; whether we're drinking it, swimming in it, or feeding it to our desperate plants.

Above are 3 rare (childless), and refreshing, pix of the pool water.
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  1. Isn't there something you can put into swimming pool water to prevent neighbour's kids? A can of Shark or something?

    1. Only ONE has been a pain; for some bizarre reason he always SHOUTS (stentorian-style)... never 'speaks'.

    2. I have a grandson like that. I am always asking him to tone it down. I think he had one too many ear infections as a baby. Sweet of you to share your pool with the kids. The photos are lovely.

  2. That water looks so tempting. Feels like we've been under seige all week stuck in doors with the shutters closed. Crazy weather this year.

    1. I think cooler weather is on the way, Sue. Those storms are forecast for tonight!

  3. What would we do without it! The last two pics are very David Hockney (without the nude men of course.

  4. Many strange faces though, in the middle picture . . . Or maybe they're in my head.

  5. so you're where all our hot dry weather has disappeared to!

  6. I love the photos - the play of light on the water. We, too, have been hiding in doors, but have no pool to refresh ourselves in. oh, wait, my sister just down the road has a pool. but it's too hot to go there....

  7. Everything changes! How wonderful! Dang! Where did the lovely warm weather go? Someone said: Winter is when we try to make our house as warm as the temperatures we complained about in the summer. Hoping moderation overtakes you soon.

  8. I feel refreshed already! We've had lovely temps the past week but this weekend it's supposed to be 31C again with a humidex of 35. UGH.

  9. Your pictures ALMOST make me sorry we filled in our pool. Almost. Only time I truly loved it was after I'd cut the grass. Soon as I was done, I took off my shoes and dove in. It felt so good underwater, I didn't want to surface.
