Friday 24 August 2012

7 Knives.

I know what you're thinking; why does Cro have quite so many pocket knives!

Well, the answer is quite simple; I have no idea.  

They seem to accumulate, and at the moment I am even hoping to buy yet another. The mushroom season approacheth, and I do really want a mushroomer's knife, complete with small 'insect removing' brush at the non-business-end of the handle.

By the way, I do own several others, but couldn't be bothered to go find them. I have maybe another 5 or 6; at least 2 of which are at Haddock's.

For the purists, the 2 bone handled knives are Laguioles, and the others are Opinels (but purists would have known that anyway).

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  1. i used to have a completely tricked out swiss army knife that i took everywhere. my little high school nerd team all had them -- we were backpackers and they really came in handy.

  2. Replies
    1. The Opinel No 9 (pointing to top left corner) is my eating knife, so I suppose that must be my favourite, simply because it's used more than the others.

  3. The neighbour over the road from us has a very interesting hobby,he makes knives and sources many blades etc from Africa of all places,he has gifted Bob a few over the years..hope you find the one you are after.

  4. There is something very satisfying about using Laguoile knives, so I understand how such a collection could develop....dont know about Opinels.....will find out. J.

    1. You'd be hard pushed to find a household in Caunes, or elsewhere, that doesn't own an Opinel.

  5. Aside from the usual cutlery I own just four excellent knives and they all make me nervous, I hate to see them out even when using them!

  6. I know nothing about knives, but I have to say, that looks like a fine collection! And I didn't know there were special knives for mushrooming. How cool!

  7. Are you planning on tying Lady M to a revolving board and throwing knives at her? The local kids would be well impressed!

  8. I'm going to start calling you 'the knife man.'

    1. As long as it's not 'The CRAZY knife man'!

  9. Just catching up here... syringe pens, crystal blue waters, and knives. That's quite a collection. Quite spiffy-looking those knives, actually.

  10. Do you use all the knives or is it a case of 'oh, that's nice'? (If it's the latter then I've got a husband like you!) I've had you down as a knife man ever since I saw you opening a walnut.

    1. I do open walnuts with a knife... but where could you possibly have seen me doing it???

      Yes, they're all used for different things, which is why I tend to mark them.

  11. What a fine-looking collection. I actually carry a favorite pocket knife in my purse. It's thin, and extremely lightweight, but my husband keeps the blade sharp enough to shave with. (Why have a knife if it isn't sharp?) Ya never know when a knife might come in handy.

  12. It is because you are a knife wielding nutcase.

    At least it isn't shotguns like a certain other chap we know...

    1. Or candlesticks, in the library, with Miss Scarlet...

  13. When I was a teen visiting in France I purchased my Laguiole, a real beauty with polished black handle. Unfortunately I lost it only last week and am devastated. I have a collection of forty some pocket knives but none compare to my Laguiole.

  14. I have one exactly like the second one from the says "made in France"...but you knew that...

  15. I do not know a man who doesn't have at least 5 knives. My Dad was a big collector and had a case full. My husband's brothers-in-law make their own. I have a knife my father in law gave me years ago, I dearly love, and One from my Dad.
    I have no idea how you would go about making knives, but it sounds interesting. Yours are very interesting and beautiful.
