Sunday 10 June 2012

Green Lizard.

I apologise in advance for the picture, this was the best of about 3 I took, after which he was gone.

These lovely creatures are becoming rarer by the hour. We used to see them all the time, basking in the sun; this one was warming himself on a log by our washing line. I had to drop the clothes pegs, dash indoors and out again, before snapping away. He wasn't amused.

From tip to toe they are about 30 cms long, and the blue of their throats is stunning.

I also saw a Hoopoe yesterday. He (I imagine it was a he) was singing with just two 'hoos' instead of the usual three. i.e. Hoo hoo; not hoo hoo hoo! The Hoopoe is arguably Europe's most beautiful bird; wonderful to have one in the garden, I hope he comes back.


  1. The colours of that green lizard are wonderful. Do they help in the garden by eating nasty bugs?

    1. In my book it says they eat insects, fruit, and occasionally birds eggs. I doubt if they'd eat the insects I want them to eat, so I don't really know!

  2. We saw a Hoopoe a couple of weeks ago close to our place. They are fabulous, haven't seen him since, but we keep looking.

  3. He is a handsome chap, I love his colours. I hope your Hoopoe stays around - or does his call become as irritating as 'Cuckoo' does after a while?

    1. They actually 'sing' quite rarely. The only good thing about their 'song' is knowing that it comes from a Hoopoe. Otherwise it's rather dull; unlike the bird itself.

  4. A lovely creature. I hope he sticks around your place for your enjoyment.

  5. I've never seen a hoopoe Cro...not sure they are in North America. The lizard I am familiar with. Tons of them in Florida...sweet little fellows.

  6. What a couple of distinctive characters. Google says the hoopoe is extant (love that word!) to Eurasia. I can't think of any bird I've seen with such a head dress.

  7. We have no lizards here in Illinois that I am aware of but I was awakened rudely by a blue throated Peacock screaming for no good reason. Peacock sausage for breakfast it is.

    1. I think the dogs ate our Peacocks.... but raw; not as sausages.

  8. Rushing to get the camera happens often around here, seems I would learn to attach it to my hip or something! Great photo for it to be on a rush. We have lizards, but not like that one. Gonna have to look up your bird.

  9. What a beautifu creature - such striking colours. Lucky you having such wildlife on your doorstep - and that's just the neighbours!
