Saturday 9 June 2012

Beam Me Up Scotty.

I've always claimed to be a mild-mannered and quiet soul. I rise happy each morning, usually at about 5.30am, I get on with my day's work without complaining or annoying anyone, and as long as no 'superior bullshitters' cross my busy path, I retire equally happy at about 11pm. It's a simple existence, but it suits me fine.

I keep myself to myself; to the extent of being accused of being a hermit. I have no need for the company of pseudo friends; I'm not a clique person; I'm very selective, and know some wonderful people.

But for the moment I seem to be surrounded by idiots. One neighbour is currently trying to make our new field into a replica of the Somme, another is nit-picking about one of our dogs (after US having looked after TWO of THEIRS for more time than I care to remember), and yet another has a kleptomaniac child.

The problem with being 'a loner' is that it gives others someone to complain about behind their back. An absent person cannot rebuke petty character assassination, and one becomes an easy target for all sorts of nonsense. I won't go into details but I am from a background that attracts both envy and venom.... so I'm used to it.

Occasionally it all becomes overbearing, and I slip into a mild depression. I hide it reasonably well, but it burrows deep. Sometimes I wish I could just step into some modern transporter and get Scotty to 'beam me up'..... not quite sure where to, but anywhere away from thieving children, adults who behave like sniffy school prefects, and arrogant Parisians who don't have the fucking courtesy to ask permission before fucking-up our fucking property.

The illustration is there simply because it gives me some pleasure. A rarity at the moment.


  1. I presume it is the neighbour with the concrete mixer that you thought was finally going to improve things that is now causing more problems.

    No suggestions except very high fence.

    1. Yes, it's him. I recently spent a lot of money having a new, perfectly straight, neat, drive made up to the barn; it's now a complete mess. And who do you think is going to pay to have it re-done? HIM.

      I'm beginning to understand why he's waited so long to begin the work on his wall; he was waiting for us to make a nice access for all his machines, piles of gravel, and lorries.

  2. Is the driveway a shared one or solely yours for your own use Cro ?

    1. Entirely ours, and we've just paid about £1,000 to have it made.

    2. Can you obtain legal redress or is that sort of action between neighbours frowned upon ?

  3. Sorry to hear you are a little depressed Cro and that you are surrounded by fools.

    I am rather selective in friendships too as I cannot abide faux friends and petty minded neighbours. I do enjoy company but also value solitude.

    Hope things improve soon.

    Anna :o]

  4. You have often attracted envy from me, but not venom. Have a word with the mayor, or - failing that - the Godfather.

  5. Trouble in paradise? Can you not ban him from using your drive?

  6. Assuming you have spoken to this ignorant person about your concerns, the only thing left might be is to go to the authorities about his destroying of your property. Although this might seem to be a drastic move, it might be your only recourse. I am so sorry Cro, that a gentleman like you that does everything he can to preserve the beauty of the environment should have to suffer such fools.

    1. Our present intention is to try to remain 'perfect neighbours', then present him with a huge bill. Unless he takes it upon himself to repair all the damage (which I doubt).

  7. Oh, what a great post. I can nothing but agree, as I feel the same.;) Before moving to live with my husband, I lived in another part of the country surrounded by similar idiots and had similar wishes.;)
    Love the image in your post, can understand its allure.
    Thank you for your recent visit and a significant and poignant comment.;)

    1. The picture is of a small window that I made, which I then fitted into something I built recently. I'm pleased you like it.

  8. Ah Cro...time to move further out into the country and build a high fence.

  9. The danger is that your neighbor goes psycho and pulls out a shotgun when you're handing them the bill. But they probably won't do that.

    Maybe you could put up some low fencing beside the drive so that it's only accessible with regular sized vehicles. I hope it works out!

  10. Maybe it is time for a wee vacation. But, then again I am sure you would be worrying about what else the idiot is doing to your place. I know exactly how you feel. A long time ago a man started using our R-O-W that we paid with hard earned cash to have made and fucked it up bad. Never asked us, never offered to repair, etc. It really got to me, I stayed angry for a long time. Hope this idiot has enough sense to fix what he broke.

    1. We'll be there to make sure he does, and hopefully to improve on before!

  11. No ideas, I'm afraid, Cro except do some deep breathing and watch your blood pressure. Such a shame that your tranquillity is marred by idiots.

    1. The same advice that Lady M gives me by Skype.

  12. take lots of photos of said driveway use and abuse. my come in handy in court.

  13. I love your window, you could fire your crossbow through the slits at intruders.

    1. If I took the glass out, yes. And probably will!

  14. your pretty picture doesn't go with your mood.

  15. I could have written much of this myself...I'm a hermit...and the black dog loves me...

  16. Grr!

    The probability that your neighbours have read Frost's 'Mending Wall' is remote. Meaning most likely lost in translation anyway.

  17. We are pretty reclusive too. Think it is a good way to be, with all the nutters around ;) Although sounds like you have more than your fair share...'this too shall pass' x
