Thursday 17 May 2012

That's lovely, boyo.

The pool is now open. A little early maybe, but we are toujours optimistic.

Nothing was amiss; no dead animals, no electrical machinery munched by mice, no drowned politicians. The water was reasonably clean, and the small amount of green algae on the sides and botttom was soon cleared.

When I last looked, the water temperature was a dire 15 C..... much too cold to swim unless, of course, one is Swedish; when a good thrashing with some birch twigs usually stems the tide of any onset of hypothermia (ahem).

It may not look like it in the top photo, but the surrounding 'beach' flagstones were very dirty (having spent about 8 months under a tarpaulin); cleaning them was my job for yesterday afternoon..... Mrs Mop; that's me!

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  1. Looks good enough to swim in although it is far too cold to even think of swimming here. (two fires going).

  2. How lovely and luxurious that inviting shame it is so freezing here at the moment,honestly Cro it all looks quite lovely.

  3. Good job and well done. Enjoy!

  4. Damn! I thought for sure it was a promo photo for a Mediterranean Resort and Spa. Seriously. You're not just pulling our leg here. Guess the mop and bucket are evidence of very hard work. I'm impressed. Can we move to your place?

    1. Only when I finished scrubbing the flagstones!

    2. one way to keep warm in a chilly May!

  5. Morning Cro - The title should be 'There's lovely boyo' if you're speaking French with a Welsh accent. You are such a tease showing that photo when we are practically still in the depths of winter. When do you anticipate your first dip?

    1. July, by the looks of today's weather... it's quite cool here.

  6. Looks very inviting, Cro. It's struggling to reach 10 degrees here. :(

  7. I am an expert uni-directional vertical swimmer - how far I can swim (downwards) depends on how deep the water is ...

    Will you be having another "rock star" moment this summer and driving the voiture into the pool during a wild party?

    1. Several I hope... we even have a crane to fish them all out every night.

  8. The sea off the coast of Cuba is exactly the same colour - but a little warmer, and with sharks in it.

  9. Sitting here looking out at the drizzle, I was thinking how overworked you are Cro. ;-)

    1. Well I'm glad SOMEONE realises! My knees are RAW.

  10. Ok, I'm jealous.
    We were in the sea in Wales last week. Well, when I say we . . . maybe I was on the shore line with the camera (in my wellies!)

  11. I'm thoroughly jealous now. But whatever. Have fun. : )

    1. I'm still scrubbing flagstones.... but I know what you mean.

  12. Sometimes I wish I had a pool. It gets so darn hot here. I am afraid no one here would be disciplined enough to keep it clean.

    1. It's like the children/puppy syndrome... it's always one person who (after the initial fascination has worn off) has to do everything..... Moi!

  13. What a beauty ... but I am also aware of the care that much effort and work that is so connected,
    The old proverb says: "Who wants to be beautiful must also be suffering".
    Grüße Jasmin

  14. well, no wonder that plastic pool didn't appeal to you! this one is much better!

  15. Looks lovely. A friend of mine in New Hampshire took the cover off his pool and has a heater to heat up the water. Something like 1 degree Farenheit per hour. He decided he couldn't wait and plunged in for a half-hour swim. I do believe he's part polar bear. LOL

  16. wow it takes my breath away its so beautiful.Let me know when it warms up and I'll be there!

  17. Sigh, you in SW France, gardening, dogs everywhere, good food. What could be better? Here I am in Colorado,beautiful mountains in the distance, coyotes howling at night (sometimes), but not romantic. "The grass is always greener. . ."

  18. Looks amazingly inviting! (shame about the lack of drowned politicians tho.... oops did I say that out loud?!) ;)

  19. I'm glad to hear your pool was sans drowned politicians. But the season is young. . .
