Wednesday 16 May 2012

May Flowers (not Mayflowers).

The hot weather has brought out several of the more 'blousy' of our flowers. The yellow and burgundy Irises are fantastic.

These small purple flowers are self sown, and come up every year. The red things (I told you I was a flower cretin) I bought at market.

And these big white Irises are just completely over-the-top. Aren't they great!

Elsewhere my ever growing collection of Weigelas are all in flower. I'll have to do a separate piece about them later.

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  1. I love Irises - we have Yellow and Mauve ones growing out the front and have just separated the tubers and given a bucketful away to neighbours. I am really taken with your burgandy variety.

    The "Red Cretin' looks like a variety of the red pansy - while the ones behind them are a variety of the blue/purple pansy -

  2. Your irises are beautiful, those white ones are out of this world ! Never seen them before!
    What's the vine growing along your tower?

    1. There are two Linda; an ordinary black grape vine, and a purple flowering Wisteria. Both there for foliage!

  3. Petunias and violas Cro. they are lovely. Your garden is so far ahead of mine. jealousy runs rampant

    1. Thank you Donna. Petunias; I really must try to remember!

  4. The white iris is elegant and exquisite! Makes one want to breathe in the freshness of the air around it--somehow purified by the flower, don't you think?

    1. Absolutely. Big white blooms with clean, sunny air. Even in my photo it looks health inducing.

  5. Beautiful flowers - I really like the vibrant colours - but the white iris flowers are stunning.
    I am useless with flower names, I have learnt the odd one, just to impress people with - daisy, buttercup and dandelion - after that I am stumped!

    1. My late mother knew the common names, binomial names, and a variety of regional names, for almost all garden flowers. I have NOT inherited her knowledge. I can be told a name twenty times a day, and it still won't stick.

  6. I wish I could grow irises here but my garden it on the shadey side - yours are magnificent and are putting on quite a show. I expect you know more flower names than you are letting on.

  7. That is a beautiful show, I'm looking forward to the Wegelias- I used to grow them when I lived in North Wales- windbreak with added colour!!

  8. Your red things look like petunias and the smaller flowers we call Johnny Jump Ups here. They are virtually impossible to get rid of once planted.

  9. Your yellow and burgundy iris are amazing! I've never seen that color combo before!

  10. Those Irises are breath-taking, just beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing with us!

  11. So beautiful! Like you, i am pretty useless with flower names. I can't say why they don't want to stick in my brain, but they don't.

  12. Love the irises. We had such n early spring that ours have come and gone already, so it's nice to see yours in full bloom.

    I'm looking forward to working on a little wild flower garden with native grass.

  13. The iris are stunning. Petunias and violas are lovely too.

  14. I do love those purple ones, too, as they are so tough little guys and selfseed in the tinyest holes in the concrete, and I also love those gorgeous Irises, the yellow-burgundy variation is amazing. We have some dark burgundy, nearly brown ones, that are great, too.

  15. Your garden is looking very floriferous! Mine is rubbish at the moment. Very green tho - which is nice! x
