Friday 20 April 2012

One man's Sport...

Yes, of course you recognised him; it's Europe's favourite sportsman, the gun-totin' King Juan Carlos of Spain.

The only problem is that Spain's brave and herioc King also happens to be the Honorary President of the Spanish World Wildlife Fund. 

WOOPS; sorry folks, I think he forgot! 


  1. He would have gotten away with it except he broke his hip!!! that is how they found out where he was..he was promptly removed from is Wildlife position..silly buggar,he says he made a mistake...sure did a big one!.

    1. And the moral is...Never go big-game-hunting, and break your hip!

  2. If only animals could be taught to shoot back - I find hunting for fun is quite disgusting and they deserve more than a broken hip.

  3. I'd be a lot more impressed with these big brave macho (!!!) "hunters" if they ever met the animals they hunt on an equal basis - no guns, just come as you are and lock horns.

    Two amazing photos that shout 'Look at me, I'm a complete and utter $%^&*osser' ...

  4. Living in Spain, this is rather prominent news though some seem awed that the king 'apologised'...I heard that 'apology' and was left wondering exactly what he was sorry about. Plonker!

  5. makes me ashamed to be a human.

  6. Unforgivable. Also it confirms my suspicions about the WWW. What a bunch of absolute bastards.

    1. ...and where does all the money go? In salaries for donation gatherers (the employees)!

  7. Ein furchtbar trauriges Foto,
    es fängt beim kleinsten Lebewesen an und hört mit diesen Fotos auf, unverzeihlich,
    und das alles geschied jeden Tag auf dieser "schönen" Welt!
    die Würde der Tiere!

    Grüße Jasmin

  8. Thanks for the comment on foxes in Brighton (full to the bumper at the moment) lol
    We do leave food down for them each evening and it's a joy to watch them, my cats line up in the window for the evening spectacle.
    I was told some time ago that they can be quite vicious and rightly so them being a wild creature.
    As for the myth of them eating cats, I have witnesses several times the fox waiting patiently for the local cats to get out of the way before coming in for the food so think they keep a healthy distance from them. After all a cat can do a lot of damage can't
    Good wishes from a very crowded Brighton

  9. Just makes me so angry, and sad.

  10. Yep, shame about that being-a-fellow-human thing.

    1. I have asked the same question over at toms blog
      I take the killings were legal.....if so how did it happen? was the elephant killed as part of a proper cull? and if not why isnt the police feeling someone's collar?

      are we all living in 2012? I thought all this MOGAMBO shit went out with ava gardener

    2. I guess almost anything's legal if you're both a king, and have the dosh!

  11. total idiot.
    he ought to be shot.

  12. Yes, i wonder the same as John, if these killings were legal.

    I have known a few hunters, good ones. Ones who'll track an animal for days if they've wounded but not killed it. Ones who may stuff the head as a trophy but see to it that the meat is used, if not by them, then by families who are glad for it.

    But i've never understood hunting for sport.

  13. Cro I don't usually comment on political issues - but that is so gross. There are just no words other than what everyone else has said already

  14. That is just plain cruel!! That poor elephant dying next to a tree! There is a tear trickling down my cheek.
    On the other hand I just saw the last post of your very handsome grandsons! Looks like there is fun a foot at your house with Monty and Monty Jr....Enjoy!!

  15. What a wanker! Just who does he think he is that he believes his titled existence can purchase him an exemption!
