Saturday 21 April 2012

Eventide (now there's a nice old-fashioned word).

It's 8pm. I've just finished eating, and the dogs are desperate for their final walk of the day.

A light rain is falling, so I wrap myself in my ancient 'ratting' Barbour, pull on my gumboots, and we set off for a short 'emptying' walk.

We don't go far, it's too wet so we turn and make for home. I see a whisp of smoke coming from the chimney of a distant cottage. I smile and call the over-energetic dogs to heel; they ignore me.

Once back indoors, they settle in front of the blazing stove; curled up side by side, licking each other. I pour myself a glass of wine, draw the curtains, and lie back on the sofa.

It's so quiet, and I wonder how things will be in 25 or even 50 years. Will the cottage still be a place of calm, will my view from the terrace still be unhindered, will life be anything like it is today?

The dogs are sleeping with their arms around each other, and once again I smile. Occasionally life doesn't get much better.
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  1. That sounds idyllic and the cottage looks lovely. I have been waking frequently to find a cat curled up on either side of me - very comforting.

  2. What a lovely picture you have painted - you sound almost mellow (for a change).

  3. A very satisfying evening.

    The Future? Who knows

  4. OK - I'm going to don my wellington boots and wet weather gear, go for a yomp through the woods in the rain and see if I can shrug off my depression and conjure up one of those mellow moments. I suppose the wine might help.

    1. It did for me Sue.... but the rain continues!

  5. Sounds so totally blissfull to me..just need Lady m home safe to finish the picture.

  6. That is picture postcard beautiful!

  7. What a lovely looking cottage and a lovely sounding evening.

  8. I had to re-read that before I realised that you were not drinking wine at 8 A.M. I began to get worried.

  9. How great that you appreciate every little moment! You cottage is so idyllic! Your photo of it is just charming and the walk and are right, how could it get any more peaceful? In 25-50 years...who knows. I sure didn't foresee in my life the health issues I now face. And yet, I hope for just the same contentment that you post about in the future. Here's to good health and a blessed future Cro!

  10. It sounds so very peaceful where you are.

  11. Eventide is a beautiful word!

  12. Blissful and stellar. Perfect Day, Mr M.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Philosopher Alfred North Whitehead uses the title from the old hymn "Abide with Me, Fast Falls the Eventide" as a way to highlight the linked themes of permanence and finitude. Your meditation does likewise. Well done.

  14. The peace from within emanating outward I think Cro. You bring the tranquility to the moment, not it to you.

  15. Woodsmoke and firelight, a glass of wine, and a man's best friends in a beautiful cottage in the south of France. Life doesn't come any better than that. A scene worthy of Rembrandt!

  16. Those moments in time when you feel that perfect bliss with a place you are part of, are wonderful aren't they. And the future will happen and some of it will be unexpected but you've been around long enough to envisgae possibilities and how you might deal with them. Long may contentment be one of those possibilities.

  17. Great post. And what a cozy home you have. It's a beautiful life!

  18. Sounds like the perfect evening.

  19. That is a lovely cottage. I could move right in. I am glad to hear of your peace in this moment. life can sometimes be so very good. enjoy.

  20. A 'ratting' Barbour, I can picture it well! Life looks good, Cro.
