Thursday 15 March 2012


When one is known for one's elegance, fashion sense, and impeccable taste, it would not be unusual for personal hygiene products (for example), that reflect those qualities, to be named after the person involved (ahem....Cro).

We would be quite happy to wash our hair with luxurious O'Hara Suds, or bathe in warm water scented with Bardot Bath Oil.... So, it would come as no surprise to hear that a certain 'artist', known for his way with words, and his sartorial elegance, should be honoured by the naming of an exclusive, perfumed, hand-made 'savon';..... Viz CROBAR.

This rare and highly sought-after soap is the creation of Maitre-Savoneur Donna O'Shaughnassy of Illinois USA (  And its catchy name 'CROBAR' the snappy prize-winning invention of fellow Maitre-Savoneur, the lovely Ms Cocobong (

I am thrilled to say that I have just received a selection of CROBAR soaps, for myself, Lady M, and the Magnonettes, for which I am sincerely grateful. Blogging is full of surprises, and my chance encounter with Donna has proved to be one of the most inspiring and informative. (She is not only a soap maker, but also a tireless campaigner for organic foods and natural farming methods)

All that remains for me to add, is that Donna's 'Crobar' soap is scented with Clove Powder, Cedar Wood Oil, and Beer (beer being the most important ingredient.... obviously), and is available, along with many others, by mail order from

I can recommend it wholeheartedly; and a HUGE thank you to Donna.

Cro (just call me Bubbles) Magnon.


  1. How wonderful is that!!! I also have the pleasure over here of a fellow bloger and an amazing soap maker, I buy from her now agnd it is lovely.Love the name Crowbar it is just perfect.Blog land is full of wonderful people,I have been very lucky not to have run into one that is not,

  2. You'll be the cleanest guy in France!

  3. how wonderful. We have a chap on the street market here in Glaston who sells hand made soap which he makes. My favourite? lavender, but then I am a Laydee :-D

  4. Is the bath-sized bar called a 'Magnon'?

  5. Crobar, brilliant. They look great :)

  6. It often takes a crowbar to get under my pits.

    Long live the independent small business!

    Anything with "bar" in the description has to be good.

  7. I just think that is one of the best sounding surprises ever! To smell good and look beautiful -- what luxury!

  8. lady M will have to keep you locked up, you will be smelling so good and looking so clean.

  9. I thought the earth smelled a little fresher today, now I know why.

  10. What a lovely gift, Cro. Love the name, and the soaps sound wonderful!


  11. Bubbles Crobar - sounds exotic.

  12. Lovely gift aside, you could open a pub called Crowbar.

  13. I love homemade soaps. I will check out her site, thanks. And what a nice gift for you and yours.

  14. Dearest Cro, I am so sorry I did thank you for this lovely post the moment it burst forth. I must have been busy mud wrestling with yet another Red Wattle Hog trying to convince him to give up his fat for more of the CROBAR soap you have sucessfully famous. (I ain't kiddin' got 7 more blog followers today alone! Whoppee Twang!)

    Strange how the neighbor across the street has no idea what I do here in Illinois yet now all of France is ringing me for savon.

    Seriously, you are great fun. Cocobong knew it from the beginning.

  15. I, too, now hold a bar of Cro among my prized soapy possessions. A lovely scent packed into one powerful bar, such SIZE, oh my...! Lovely post, monsieur Cro, and thank you kindly for the mention
