Wednesday 14 March 2012

Boot Hill; Lumberjack.

Should I pop-clogs here in France, this is where they'll bury what's left of me.

Despite the cross on the gates this is not part of the church, it's actually owned and run by the Mayor's office (Mairie). I've already asked them about cost etc, which, compared to a plot in the UK, is very reasonable.

My first house in the village is directly midway between the cross and the right hand pillar, and up a bit. And our present house is top right hand corner. Both well within view of Boot Hill.

French graveyards tend to be rather garish affairs. They usually contain large mausoleums (often covered by a type of greenhouse), and are decorated with strange beaded wreaths, brightly coloured pottery flowers, and morbid glazed pictures of the deceased.

Personally I've given instructions for a respectable sized lump of stone, a small brass plaque, and a fig tree. 
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  1. Nice place. My personal preference is to be cremated, ashes scattered along a country lane. Much more importantly, I want everyone to have a party where they get squiffy, eat lovely food and move on, in the knowledge that I enjoyed my life.

    1. If I should expire in England, cremation is my choice too. But over here I wish to be planted like a potato.

  2. A fig tree will be very nice. I quite like the idea of glazed pottery. If you are planning ahead, I don't suppose you could commission some tasteful tiles? I'm almost thinking you could make some yourself. That way they'd be very personal and you'd know they'd be ok.

    I don't know where I will be buried. The only thing I feel strongly about at present is that there should be no eulogy. People who know me, know me. They don't need to be told about me the moment I'm dead - as if they've already forgotten. Eulogies are boring. And not only that . . . I don't know how they do it in France but here it's more often than not a stranger who speaks about the deceased. They gather information then they stand up the front and tell the family what they already know. Very odd.

    1. Very true. Perhaps a mountain of Kleenex and a few bottles of rouge might be better.

  3. I like the fig tree.
    Lovely idea

  4. I think it was Socrates who said - when his mates asked what to do with him after he was dead - said, "You can do what you like with me - if you can find me."

  5. any old roses or plantings at the any of the headstone? Old cemeteries can be a great resource for heritage plants.

    1. They don't seem to do that here, Grouch. I think my Fig will be the first.

  6. Like the fig tree plan. I always used to think planning for these sorts of things was morbid, but I'm beginning to think it's rather practical. Maybe because I'm getting older ;)

  7. We have our place picked out as well in the shade of an ancient pine tree.

  8. bloody hell... it's the set from THE OMEN

  9. This is rather depressing, but I do love the idea of the fig tree. Have you ever seen the joke headstone picture that says, "I told you I was sick"?

    1. Amy, there are some wonderful one's around. That's probably the best!

  10. Only thing wrong with having that fig tree there is the birds will congregate, and ya know what birds do ... profusely ... after feasting on figs. We purchased our plots many years ago, but now I'm thinking I'd much rather be stuffed and left around the house to serve as the resident couch potato.

  11. I am considering being freeze dried and then being placed on the fireplace mantle.

  12. So many different ideas of what people want, I am just going to have a graveside service,when a funeral is held all these people arrive that could not spare you the time while you were breathing...a beautiful young lady just passed away last week 48 and such a great spirit ,she is already buried privately with hubby and children and Friday there is a memorial in the park for all the townspeople and it is requested that you wear something bright.I was talking to her the week before she died and she was battling cancer for the 3rd time, she simply said to me it's back,liver and lungs..o'h Karen I said you poor darling..o'h well Carole she said Shit happens! what a great attitude,the following week she just went to sleep.Have you thought of planting the fig now Cro so you can see its established and can enjoy it start to grow,figs are almost eternal so what a great choice.

  13. Love the idea of the fig tree - I want to be turned into a diamond! It'll be a bloody biggun too!! ;)

  14. I wanted to be buried at sea, which now means that i have to be cremated in order to have that happen. Fair enough. I know where i'd like my ashes to be scattered, and hope whoever's around after i die will be willing to do that for me.

