Friday 24 February 2012


May I present the one member of my family that I've as yet concealed from blog-world, and that is my lovely daughter Tenpin (above).
Ten' and her husband now live in Australia, and it looks as if my youngest son, Wills, will be joining her out there quite soon; though probably not in the same area.

I thoroughly approve of their move to Oz. If I was in my early 20's again I might well have done the same. Although I'd miss France terribly.

Ten' works for a large Australian University, she's just built a beautiful new house, and she has two energetic small boys. If it wasn't for the flocks of Lorikeets (Parrots) that eat most of the fruit from her trees, her Antipodean lifestyle's just as she always hoped it would be.

Lady Magnon is also heading-off for Australia quite soon; grandson sitting, touring, and gallivanting. I shall stay behind, act the old retainer, and mope. Maybe I'll also start my annual pre-Summer 'Adonis-in-a-Week' diet.... it's time.

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  1. Don't mope too much, I'm sure Monty and Bok will look after you. Australia is a great country - I just wish it wasn't so far away.

    1. I'm surprised you're back so soon.

    2. They booted me out after 3 months. Looking forward to a long, warm summer in France now (back in 5 weeks, can't wait).

  2. How do, Tenpin. (where did she get the name, btw?)

    1. OK, then - where did YOU get it from?

    2. It's reasonably similar to her actual name, and I suspect it was HER who mispronounced her own name.... and it stuck. Tenpin she is; although only I call her that.

  3. Perhaps you could send me your 'Adonis in a week' diet for Keith! ;)

  4. Your daughter is lovely Cro. Although we want our children to grow up to have great adventures of their own, it is difficult when they move so far away. Due to our wonderful technology of today though, we are never more than a few clicks away.

  5. Thank goodness for the internet and will be able to keep close check on your loved ones.

  6. She's lovely. Maybe you could turn this into a painting. I know I always say that, but it's because i know you would do a great job. And now you have time . . .

  7. A lovely girl!..Your turn to travel next

  8. Lovely. From the photos you've shown on your blog, i can see how she's a mix of you and Lady M, and she has a sparkle all her own.


  9. Um, I don't have much interest in that "Adonis in a week" diet, but maybe a "Venus in a week" diet?
    Your daughter's lovely, by the way. (as if you didn't know)

  10. Australia is a great country - not 'great' in the manner of the US of A or France, but more just a great place to be 'cos it has so much to offer and what's on offer is continually changing (but in doing so, staying the same.)

    Your family made a good choice.

    Mind you, my "Adonis in a week" is more likely "Too weak to become an Adonis!" lol!

  11. Now Cro we know you would never swap your frosty,frozen winter grounds for the Queensland that is "beautiful one day perfect the next".
    She has chosen a lovely state,although I have to say I am in New South Wales and would not move for quids as we say over here.

  12. Must agree with an earlier commentator - we do want our children to grow up, be independent and have wonderful experiences. How lucky they are. It's not as if we are putting them on some creaky sailship and sending them off into the void. And what opportunites there are now for those left behind to go and vist.

    So why do my young people seem firmly rooted to Stockport? Can't say it's part of the known world which has any allure at all.
