Thursday 23 February 2012

Cro's Dozen Reasons to be Cheerful.

1. Monty is losing a lot less hair than previously.
2. Our Aspen tree is forming it's catkin buds.
3. The lizards have survived the winter, and are cavorting on the façade of our house.
4. My right foot has rejected the attempt of a giant oak log to break its bones. Ouch anyway!
5. We've begun eating outdoors.
6. Lady Magnon has been spotted with secateurs in hand.
7. My next door neighbours are away in India for 2 weeks. The silence is staggering.
8. The hens are still laying an average of 2 eggs per day.
9. My local supermarket has a favourite Olive Oil on offer at €2 per litre; I shall buy gallons.
10. I've just put a new chain/blade on the chainsaw.
11. I'm going to a funeral tomorrow; not mine!
12. Red wine tastes as good to me today, as when I was 14.

Ain't life wonderful.


  1. Bliss at its best, especially when the hens are happy enough to lay and the wine still tastes good.

  2. Personally, I am always happy when an oak tree does NOT break my toe. Especially when wine is involved.

  3. All sounds good to me. Salut!

  4. You've begun to eat outdoors again? You were in six feet of snow the other day!

  5. What a great list,all points good ones,are the neighbours really noisy? poor you and Lady m if they are...anyway the list is a great idea,especially as at the moment I would have trouble getting a list of 2!! one of those weeks.

    1. They have two teenage daughters, both of whom have quad bikes! Otherwise they're not really too bad. I enjoy moaning.

  6. Good reasons all!!
    The weather is yo-yo-ing everywhere!

  7. All good stuff Cro.

    5) save some of the outdoors for us to eat

    6) better be on your best behaviour then!

  8. ... and to add to your joys, the sun is shining today in Lincolnshire ...

  9. I am hoping that Lady M is not thinking that her post is making you so cheerful as well...

  10. Cheers, Mr M.
    I agree with all of the above, #11, I am glad you are still here, and I'm quite sure, the lovely Lady M is too :")
    I will try to remember your 12 reasons to be happy, I need them badly.
    Thank you for the post today.

  11. Those are some good stats, especially no. 11. Let's hope this nice weather sticks! I can't wait to start up my little garden. Liam has already started digging for worms, so that's helping to 'till' the soil for me.

    1. re No 11; I'm just off now. I hope they'll let me come back!

  12. I needed this, too. I'm just waiting for our wine to "mature" (we don't give it very long). Love your list.

  13. You have inspired me's not exactly eating-outside weather here yet, but if I bundle up, I can at least go tidy my little garden a bit.
    Thanks for your list...always nice to look on the bright side.

  14. I was sure the final one would be that Lady M. is going away for a bit!

  15. I like your list very much. One of our cats is just starting to lose more hair, which i take to be a sign that spring is on the way. It made me smile.


  16. I could eat outdoors too, if I wanted to ... if I didn't mind everything freezing the minute it went outside... *jealous, jealous*

  17. I think I shall try one of these gratefulness exercises for my post have inspired me, Cro!

  18. Red wine tastes as good to me today, as when I was 14.

    ooh you are sophisticated our Cro. At 14 I was drinking cider in the park....hmm no change there then...

  19. I'll drink to all of them with you. A votre sante!

  20. Had a good day here too. Glad your foot survived.

  21. Good list - all aspirational. Would settle for warm enough to eat outside here... + be alive, with a glass of wine.

    Not boasting of course, but 14 eggs today. Omelettes anyone?
