Sunday 12 February 2012

The Sunday Cutie.

Sugar and Spice
And all things nice.

Lady Magnon in her Washington DC, Shirley Temple, days.... Koochie Woochie Woochie.

"Don't put your fingers in your mouth dear"

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  1. Someone is very likely telling her fortune and showing a pic of her future prince.."o'hhh wonder what the young Cro looked like to put such a ponderous little look upon her face and raise her hand to her mouth...honestly Cro she looks like she must have been the loveliest little girl and we know she grew up to be a lovely lady.

  2. Shirley Temple - click your heels together!

  3. they may look sweet but underneath little girls are the spawn of the devil!
    I admit it IS a nice photo!

  4. She really hasn't changed at all - unlike me (take a look at my avatar...)

  5. What a cutie! And from the pictures you've shown she doesn't look any less adorable, that's for sure.

  6. The lovely Mrs. M. What a treasure for you and for her.
    Enjoy life, Mr and Mrs M.

  7. Don't ya just love those old photographs? What a cutie pie.

  8. It IS Shirley! It's hard to believe anybody can be that cute without photoshop.

  9. Shirley Temple indeed! Does she tap dance?!
