Monday 13 February 2012

Early One Morning...

This was yesterday morning, and I'd hoped that the bloody snow would have been gone by then, but there's still plenty around and it's mostly turned to ice. When I took the above photo (8am), I also checked the temperature; it was minus 13 C.

My friend Craig kindly drove me to the Car Spares shop a couple of days ago, so at least I now have a new battery for the Compact Royce; and I am, once again, mobile. I even braved the icy roads, and bought enough provisions for us and the animals for another week or so.

I've also just checked the weather forecast, and, guess what; we're promised more snow for today and tomorrow. I have to say I'm getting rather fed-up with it all; log sawing, fire stoking, and being confined to barracks. Much more of this and I shall be writing to The Times (Angry of Lumberjack).


  1. Cabin Fever is a terrible thing Sir. Check for symptoms - do you have one enlarged bloodshot eye with which to peer past door jambs, an axe and a lumberjack check shirt? If so then there is only one treatment, you have to go and see the Purser and get your cabin exchanged for one on an open deck.

    p.s. Bring back the horseless carriage starting handle (and, possibly, the magneto).

    1. What I really need is a Shire (with some sort of fitted, enclosed, and heated, cabin), and a couple of very large saddle-bags.

  2. We've spent a few winters in France and
    I have to admit the novelty and charm of log fires wears a bit thin after several months - especially when you have to carry the logs up a long flight of steps. Bon courage - spring will soon arrive!

  3. More cold!!! Ooh, no! We're in a vilage, so it's not so bad for us...but I hate driving in this weather. As I teach English some distance from here (at an unearthly hour of the morning) I need to leave home at an even more unearthly hour of the morning. Thank goodness for gritters and chasse neiges! And in your case, curses to neighbours who don't think about others when they empty their pool!

  4. and dont forget the thermal long johns.....
    I put mine on in december..... an remove them in april!

    1. I'm wearing THREE thermal vests! Luckily, my legs don't seem to suffer.

  5. We had green grass at the beginning of last week but, by the weekend, snow. Did you send it?

  6. It does sound miserable. Let's hope spring comes soon.

  7. It's a lovely photo anyway. Hang in there, Cro.

  8. I agree with Kat, a lovely photo indeed. I do hope your provisions see you through the next snow and subsequent melt.

    Winter has made itself known in my little burg this week also. Much to our relief. We were hoping it wouldn't wait to show itself in say, April, which it might do, of course. I'm hoping that it's played itself out by then.


  9. -13!! that's obscene! I can well understand your stir craziness! The snow is pretty for about 30 minutes and then it can, quite frankly, bugger off!

  10. So when the heat and humidity of the summer comes, you will fondly look back on these days when you relaxed by the fire and got all comfy under the weight of three or four blankets. Maybe not though.

    You seem to be having a mighty long winter.
