Monday 2 January 2012

Not So Handy Man.

Several (many) bloggers that I follow have been moaning recently about their aches and pains. So I thought I'd add to the arena of physical woes by telling you about my own current ache, just in case anyone should have an encouraging diagnosis.

It started on my right hand. I had pain at the base of my thumb and throughout the surrounding fleshy part. Then it moved to my left hand (see superb illustration above) where it has stayed for over a week. My hand is now weak, I have nasty pain when I try to do anything, and frankly it's become an effing nuisance.

If you're going to tell me it's the onset of arthritis; please don't! If, however, it sounds like something simpler (with a simple one pill remedy) then I'd be pleased to have your diagnosis. My only thought at present is 'Carpal Tunnel  Syndrome'.

I take note of all amateur medics.

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  1. Could easily be CTS but might be more simply just tendonitis with referred pain into the fleshy part. Sometimes a simple brace can relieve pain or then again they may have to cut you WIDE open (with a tiny laser). Now go see a doctor, I'm just a retired nurse.

    No charge

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. As a person who's had CTS and an OT who's done a bit of hand therapy in the past, I'd say that a resting splint might help although they get itchy and uncomfy. Not my area any though but if you need a memory assessment I'm a dab hand at those these days.

    Anti inflammatory analgesia also relieved the pain for me until I was operated on. I know that a request in a French pharmacy for Ibuprofen is frowned upon in a similar way to if you asked for crack cocaine here. So you best doddle off to the doc anyway.

  4. Thanks, Lovely. I've got a stock of Ibuprofen, so I'll give it a go.

    Donna. I hate doctors; hence the above!

  5. Cro,I have a similar problem and it comes and goes depending on what I have been doing...I agree with the Ibrufen? and if the pain starts to travel up your arm try this when sleeping,wrap your arms around a pillow to train yourself not to place your arms above your head whilst in slumber,I know it sounds strange but it is all to do with blood flow and it has worked woners for me,i no longer sleep with a pillow lol but now sleep in a more restful position a muscle therapist told me to do this saying I had carpel sign of it now but if I crochet for any length of time it comes back and I just do the sleep gives wonderful blood flow for 8 hours at a time..rubbish you say...well you are probably right but it worked lol.Hope this works for you as it is very painful and makes life very unpleasant.

  6. I hope it doesn't last long. Feel better soon.

  7. I have a similar problem,the fascia( sp?) are inflamed and the soft tissues contracted.
    This is alleviated by treatment by an osteopath manipulating my hands and massaging to stretch them.
    Another potter friend also has this problem and has discussed with her surgeon...who said that for little old ladies who are not going to carry on doing what caused the problem, the outlook is great. So she wont be having surgery!
    On the other hand (sorry!) Steve Mills, potter from Bath, HAS had surgery for CT and it has worked, although he has changed the shapes he makes...
    As it is basically RSI, one way to help is to stop the movements that cause it and find a way round doing what you want, without causing further damage!!

  8. Wise words, gz. I've already enlisted Lady M to saw wood, maybe I should find other jobs for her too (that is what you meant, isn't it?).

  9. gz. Didn't Zorba cut off one of his fingers because it got it the way whilst throwing pots?

  10. I can't resist, I'm sorry - might it be an allergic reaction to the ink used in the writing on your palm? I'd hate you to have surgery to correct something that could be alleviated by a simple PostIt Pad.

    p.s. you have my complete and serious sympathy, I know what these things are like - after typing ten thousand words or editing a thousand photographs from an event my mouse-fiddling fingers complain like hell!

  11. Simple - you are buckling under the strain of your gold Rolex.

  12. Cro, You're just getting older like me... Happy New Year! It rained here too in Indiana.

  13. What do I get for stage 2, Grouch?

  14. stage II, craving for seasoned cured meat.

    stage III, you become the meat.

  15. You probably just strained a muscle, but sometimes those little ones can hurt just as much as the others. Hope it gets better soon. If it is carpal tunnel, flex your fingers upwards a lot- that is supposed to help.

  16. As we age it becomes "every new day, a new ache". I am getting used to it now and it does not panic me like before. I used to check on my symptoms on Web M.D., but that is not a good idea, as they can come up with all kinds of rare and deadly diseases you may have from a simple hang nail.

    I say give everything two weeks, if you are still alive, it was no big deal. However, pain lasting longer should be checked out by a doctor.

  17. That sounds like a very sensible rule, SO.

    SO's rule of 2 weeks (the length of a nasty cold); I'll remember that!

  18. Hmmm, started in your right hand and moved to your left? When your right hand was hurting, did you start using your left hand to do things usually done with your right? Right hand feel better now? I dunno. Beats me. Maybe you should start being a two-fisted drinker.

  19. sounds like CT or tendonitis (I have both). Anti-inflams (ibuprofen); alternating ice pack with heat pack (20 min each)and resting the offending body part. No chopping, gripping, squeezing. I use a hand splint occasionally just to rest the hand.

    I hate the sharp shooting pain when I go to pick something up. Pisses me off!!

  20. That bit gets hurty after I bash the buttons on the PS3 controller trying to beat hubby. Hopefully yours goes away soon! Or drops off. One of those. :)

  21. Are you ambidextrous...using right and left hand equally? I was going to suggest Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...except when my CTS acts up it's not usually just at the base of my right thumb! And it doesn't skip over to my left thumb...any way try here:

    My Dad had CTS and he told me of an old remedy for the condition...if I remember correctly it went something like this: lay the affected hand palm down and wack yourself across the back of the hand with something heavy! Dad didn't say whether this worked at all...I figure the pain from the wacking superceded the pain from the CTS!

    My alternate thought is that it could very well be that thing you don't want me to tell you, so I'm not telling you!

    You could try moist heat, dry heat or an ice bag to see if any one of those help!

    Hoping for the best...Theanne

  22. Don't know, but the tattoo looks cool. Dare I suggest it might be worth a trip to the doc. Hope it gets better soon xx

  23. Suggest you purchase Omega 3-6-9 and take 6 per day until condition improves and regardless of discomfort keep it moving.

    Happy New Year to you & yours

  24. I'm with Molly idea what it is, love the tattoo, and hope it goes away very soon.

  25. OK, last advice from me - if you MUST wank, take your watch off, and use your other hand.

  26. haha! I like Tom's reply. Have you been over-doing anything lately?

  27. firstly ...I would like to that you for the lovely comment about my christmas tree...I rather like it too...I like a tree that looks old fashioned so I use the old big colored lights and lots of old ornaments....again thank you....
    second...probably not carpal tunnel..that usually causes tingling in the little finger, forth finger and thumb and feels worse if you bend your hand like you were going to make shadow puppets. carpal tunnel is entrapment of the median nerve which runs down the center of the wrist on the palm side....
    sounds like it could be a tendonitis....which would hurt every time you try to do something that means touching or moving that can hurt like hell..opening a door grabbing anything with that hand...are you a lefty....or do any repetitive motion with that hand.. usually an over the counter anti inflammatory can ease it some. if you can take them...sometimes they will do a shot of cortisone and that will do the trick..not fun.....hope it is better soon! but I am not a doc just a happily retired operating ...the splint to keep from moving it might give you some relief as well...anyway....
    Happy New Year and thanks again !

  28. Thank you everyone (except Tom) for your suggestions. Amazingly, I think I'm actually getting close to the answer!

  29. grouch charming!
    drunk again?
