Friday 13 January 2012

My Favourite Place.

I don't go in for imposed A to Z blogging, or having to be given prompts for my subject matter. I have enough to write about in my meaningless little life, to keep you bored for a while yet.

However, I did like the idea of a blog I viewed recently that simply suggested posting a picture of 'My favourite place', so I thought I'd simply go and snap it; warts and all. Sadly no dogs were in situ.

A fireplace is always at the heart of a home, and chez Cro is no exception. Our fireplace is in fact the old kitchen; in earlier times all cooking was done over a small open fire. No cast iron range, no vaulted stone oven, no mechanised spit. Just one or two simple utensils, a trivet, and a few flaming twigs.

Occasionally (especially when I'm by myself) I turn off the lights, light the few fireside candles, call the dogs to heel, and, with a glass of wine in my hand, enjoy the stunning calm of it all.

I've posted pictures of my fireplace before, but at this time of year it becomes a magnet.... It literally keeps us alive. This is how it was yesterday afternoon at 4.15 pm.
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  1. Well that's such a nice place to spend your softer hours.It is exactly how I imagined a little but of France looks like, I am so pleased it is not a big posh place as it is lovely and rustic..your wood fire is almost exactly the same as ours,which sadly is getting taken out tomorrow as the roof is leaking badly,Bob is exhausted and tired of wood gathering so it will be a sad day indeed.I should take a pic before it is removed... I imagine come winter we will all be missing it dreadfully..we are going to have a gas one put in, we already have reverse cycle cooling and heating but it is never like the wood burner.

  2. Fires are remarkable devices, a seriously lovely direct technological link to one million years BC when Raquel Welch was beating up the dinosaurs.

  3. It looks very cosy, Cro. Bet the dogs love it too.

  4. You can almost feel the heartbeat of it all Cro. What a magic spot. I look at a lot of contrived, designer-styled rooms, but there is an unknown quantity to making a place 'just right' - perhaps the missing ingredient is love. There's obviously love in that room.

  5. Looks lovely and cosy.

    Come to think of it OW, Raquel Welch would have been one of may favorite places to get warm on a cold winters evening...

  6. It looks very cozy. I love the red pillows and candles.

  7. It looks like the perfect place to zone out and enjoy a glass or two of fine wine.

  8. I can well imagine it dark, with the candles burning and the stove roaring, dogs all around. That turning off the lights and enjoying your glass of wine is one of the sweet things in this life.

  9. I'm not jealous... no, not at all. ;)

  10. Easy to see why that's your favorite place. It's cozy and has rustic atmosphere out the wazoo. Perfect.

  11. As the snow is quickly accumulating out my window and my work week has officially ended, I would KILL for a cozy woodstove right about now.

  12. We have a log fire too. I think it's my favourite place to curl up in front of it this time of the year as well.

  13. Wish oh wish I had a wood burning stove like that in Little warm and cozy. The wood burning fireplace I have is wonderful for cosy winter evenings, but nothing gives off warmth like a wood stove.
    I'm feeling the warmth and love of that room Cro...thanks for sharing.

  14. Was wondering why the fire was going on such a hot day and then the penny dropped or I woke up or something!!!!!!!!!!

  15. That looks a great place to relax. We've got a granule burner - not quite as picturesque but very warming. I love turning the fairy lights on and sitting in the warm too.
