Saturday 14 January 2012

My Day.

I have a lot on my hands at the moment, so my day is divided between taking these two above on long walks, cooking, feeding, washing up, cleaning (hmmm), looking after 'La Fermette', wood chopping, fire lighting, more cooking, more feeding, more washing up, sleeping (just for a couple of hours), then starting all over again.

I suppose I have to admit to enjoying most of it, and if I get a spare minute I infill with something 'creative'; the only bit I'm really NOT enjoying is floor cleaning.

Monty has been moulting mightily for the last couple of months (I'm amazed he's not yet bald), and the mess it causes is extraordinary. I can sweep and vacuum the whole ground floor one minute, and the next it's as if I've done absolutely nothing. Perhaps I shouldn't bother, and regard it as 'extra carpeting'.

Hair spray maybe?
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  1. Monty needs lots and lots of brushing right now -- out of doors, of course. I have to admit that I miss my 3 dogs (separated from my wife and she gets 'custody') but I do not miss the daily maintenance of them, and the little doggie hairs that would cover every bit of clothing I own.

    I like days like the one you've describe. Domesticity at its finest. I love the nap time in between.

  2. You are busy but it is nice I agree,than goodness Molly does not shed,and that in itself is great,I imagine that now you have this job 2 fold so it probably takes twice as long,have a lovely day,ours is just ending endless hours in the garden today downsizing and making it smaller,we are getting tired.

  3. Spray yourself with glue, then roll around in it.... voila! New sweaters without knitting! Oh, I hear ya - between the dog and two cats our house is one big fur-ball. When you're done cleaning at your house, you're welcome to come over here.

  4. Over the holidays Cro, we had one dog, two cats and three blondes all shedding profusely on dark wood floors. You sweep/vacuum every day and then just turn a blind eye...otherwise it will drive you bonkers.

  5. Looks like they were truly meant to be together. Sounds like a busy schedule for you, but it won't be long before pool season comes around.

  6. ...and Lady M returns from her gallivanting in London.

  7. We used to attach the brush nozzle to the Dyson and vacuum our old Airedale. She loved it!

  8. Hmmmm, Sue. That may be the solution, although he disappears as soon as it's turned on!
