Tuesday 31 January 2012

In The Wars Again.

Poor old Monty, he ambles from one disaster to another.
This time we think he must have consumed some poison. One minute he was fine, the next he was lying on the floor shaking and wobbly. We rushed him down to the vet', where they put him on a drip, and kept him under surveillance over night. Lady M was convinced he was going to die.

When we picked him up the following morning he was fine.

The problem with Labradors is that they're never happy unless they have something in their mouths; a stick, a steak, or a canister of arse-nick. They don't differentiate.

What next, I wonder? Well there is this....

Monty's brother (by adoption) 'Bok', above, goes to the Vet's this morning to have his dangly bits snipped.... Poor old Bok. Why is it that women insist on this? (no answer required, or necessary)

Bok is prone to jumping up on people (I'm trying to stop him). Recently, on a walk, he put his paws up on my chest, and managed to pull my reading glasses off their string; I only discovered they were missing when we arrived home. Yesterday I thought of letting him sniff my current pair to see if he could find the old ones, but whilst rushing about he suddenly stopped to sniff at the ground.... and there they were. Lost then found; all due to Bok.


  1. Poor Monty, he does have his trials. Thank goodness he is better now. And good for Bok. Hopefully your glasses weren't too badly bent from the experience.

    1. They spent 3 nights in severe frost, but were fine. Testament to the quality of 'off the shelf' £5 glasses.

    2. they can be such a worry can't they..?
      would change my four but sometimes I could do without the anxiety of them being ill

  2. Oh dear - I'm glad he is now ok, especially for his brother's sake.

  3. Poor Monty, I'm so pleased he's well again. It's so hard when animals are ill because they can't tell you where it hurts. Hope Bok gets through his 'job' OK.

  4. Poor old hounds, both. Monty will get better after he's worried you enough and Bok will forgive you, eventually...

    Please give them both a hug from me.

  5. I'm glad to hear he's okay. He's starting to sound like a cat, only seven lives left . . .

    This might make Monty feel better (and Bok--for his surgery), go to jaquie lawson.com and watch all her gorgeous animations. My kids love her little videos.

  6. Oh bless you Monty, you are genetically programmed to EAT ANYTHING, there's no beating those Labrador traits.
    Get well soon, extra hug from Aunty Kath in chilly 'ole Glasotnbury x

  7. I am so very glad and relieved that Monty is doing well. I am a critical care nurse for animals and once poison is ingested, it can be a quick, downhill run. You were on the ball, Mr. M. Labs are nortorious for mouths full of something. I have issues with poison bit here where I live in the 3rd world neighborhood.
    Bok will do fine. Then no one has to worry about the "dangly parts"

  8. Our Annie was half lab, and it was hard for her not to swallow stuff she shouldn't and eventually it ended her life. I hope yours are not as curious as our Annie was. I sure miss her.

  9. Those eyes! Those wonderful eyes. Who could resist?

  10. Monty Monty...you remind me of my old lab. Cappy...always jumping and didn't quite make it over the barbed wire...dad being a farmer of the old sort said..."he''ll lick himself better..animals have that capacity"...and you know he did! Get better Monty.

  11. I once knew a yellow lab named Sandy. She ate everything. Her people only loved her because they resued dogs. I think Sandy ate and digested half her county in her life.

  12. Oh poor Monty, so glad he's better. Jim grew up with labs and he said they were so easy to give medicine too....you just threw it to them and they caught it mid air and swallowed.

  13. There's a wooded area in Nottingham (forestry land) where dogs have been mysteriously getting ill after going on walks.

    After voicing serious concern about this the locals who walk their pooches in those woods have had the FC do some tests and they think it's down to an exotic algae found on the undergrowth that has been found to be extremely toxic.

  14. Poor old Monty,they are such an inquisitive breed and our sons Rove is never without something in his mouth...Bok won't pee on everything once he is done or hump anything that stands still I think thats why us girls insist on the "snip"..he will also by rights get a bit lazier lol maybe he was trying to tell you he needs glasses Cro...glad you found them,I am lost without mine..

  15. Glad Monty's better. Poor old Bok as well - not a very nice day for him, but glad he found your glasses.

  16. That had to be a very frightening experience for you. So glad Monty's all better now.

  17. Glad everthing is fine again right now. Dingo once had an episode of poisoning. Really frightening.
    From Monty's pic above I might add he looks a tiny bit like Rhodesian Ridgeback.

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