Monday 30 January 2012

Aurora Cro-ealis?

Last night, when putting my three hens to bed, I noticed this wonderful sky (you might see it better if enlarged).

I only have a cheap camera, so I couldn't capture the full panorama, but there were different coloured stripes of cloud, all splaying out from one central point on the horizon.

The above only gives a hint of the beauty, but it was much more spectacular. The photo was taken looking South West.

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  1. It looks wonderful here so I imagine in real life it was amazing,thanks for sharing...

  2. It is beautiful, and also as you've found,visible far further South this year

  3. The sky puts on some fantastic light shows sometimes - fingers crossed that some idiot doesn't invent a way to project advertisements onto it!

    Maybe this was the last rays of the sun hitting the cloud of Gauloises smoke hovering over France?

  4. If your skies look like that Cro then it's time you invested in a spanking new camera.

    Great shot.

  5. If they didn't flicker and move around, then I am guessing that these were 'noctiluscent clouds', Cro - still considered an astronomical phenomena. They are so high (and made of ice) that the sun catches after dusk on earth.

    1. They certainly didn't move around like a northern Aurora Borealis, so you're probably right. I didn't know the name for such phenomena.

  6. Wow! What a wonderful gift to witness such a sight.

  7. Don't you just love it when Mother Nature tosses you a sunset like that? Cold winter air provides some stunning visuals. I heard yesterday the infamous They are testing setting up star-gazing telescopes in the most northern part of Canada because of the cold, dry conditions...all the better for sky-watching I'm told.

  8. and there you were, just putting away your chickens...

  9. Oh, you lucky thing, you! That looks like the aurora borealis. I know it was supposed to be visible in your neck of the woods because of some extraordinary sun activity. Seeing that in person is one of the items on my bucket list. (Which I'll likely never accomplish because of my propensity for sitting on me ... er ... bucket.)

  10. have a look at this

  11. How lucky for you!!!! We live too far south to see the beauty. Take some more pics, if you get some more! I love looking at them.

  12. I just saw a link to some seen in Australia..will post it if I can find it again

  13. This is amazing...I am sooo jealous...
