Saturday 31 December 2011

The Wrong Trousers; a New Year Rez.

I don't know why, but I seem to be incapable of choosing the right clothes for the right weather.

I'm either too cold, too hot, or too over-or-under dressed. In dry weather I'm often to be seen with Barbour wellies and brolly, and in the rain I'm usually in just a T shirt and soaked to the skin.

When I leave the house I tend to consult Lady Magnon. Will I be too hot in the supermarket? Will I be frozen on the beach? Will I need my wellies? The usual response is a roll of the eyes and her standard "For goodness sake, you're like a clueless child!".

So, my primary 2012 New Year Resolution will be to try to select the right clothes for the right occasion. When I recently mentioned this to Lady M, she predictably replied "Oh for goodness sake, etc etc"....

Women! Just wait till she asks me if her backside looks big in something!


  1. Happy new Year to your household, I tried to pick you out of that line up but no one had a beret on so presumabley you are in disguise lol anyway have a wonderful evening and maybe a bottle of Dom or whatever English gentry have that live in France..our home well we will probably be asleep and watch a re- run of the fireworks in the morning....

  2. "Just wait till she asks me if her backside looks big in something."
    On no account give anything other than a negative answer, Cro - don't dice with death, man!

  3. It's your heritage - we chaps from the Sceptred Isle arrange our clothing according to location and activity, never the weather. Tweeds for the country, cricket whites for courting and something with a stiff collar when asking the old man for money. To be honest, anywhere in this land if you dressed for the weather you'd need to carry six outfits wherever you went and change twelve times a day...

    BTW., the correct answer to the "backside 'question" is either 'No, Dear - it's like two little cupcakes sleeping under a veil' or else 'Backside? Backside? I thought someone had covered the Lake District in soggy canvas as some sort of art installation...'

  4. I'll plump (is that the right word) for the cupcakes. Thanks Owl.

  5. Now that is a reasonable new year's resolution!!

  6. Happy new year; we'll be waiting up.

  7. layers, my friend, layers. You'll be prepared for most contingencies.

    don't even go there with the backside'll never win. ;-)

  8. Snow shorts? Happy New Year to you and Lady M

  9. Here's wishing you a New Year replete with appropriate trousers and apparel of all types!

    (Quite the challenge, I know, but I think you can do it if you really set your mind to it.)

  10. You never fail to put a smile on my face! A very Happy New Year me dear! And may you never become weary of your wearings!!

  11. Tip of the day: always wear thermal underwear when visiting the supermarche. Happy New Year!

  12. The only proper response is to tell your beloved that she has the most perfect tush you've ever seen. (No matter the size!) A very Happy New Year to you, Lady Cro, and all your followers.

  13. I suffer from something similar, Cro. I've learnt to dress in layers, and i keep a hat, gloves, and brolley in the car. Because you just never know.

    As to the backside question, i don't like putting my husband in that no-win situation. I will ask if my shirt is tucked in all right or if my slip is showing, but i have no illusions about my backside.

