Monday 5 December 2011

What A Difference A Year Makes.

It hardly seems like 11 months ago that we first brought Monty home with us. From the very beginning he was chubby, pig-like, and permanently ravenous.

We were constantly amazed by how quickly he grew; we would get up in the mornings and look at him in amazement. 'He's grown again' we'd say, and wonder when it would stop (if ever).

Pictures don't seem to give a true indication of how big and muscular he's become; he's a very big boy. We're still wondering what his father could have been. Lady M thinks Ridgeback; I go for Great Dane.


  1. Whatever the parents are he is a gorgeous fellow...I imagine you would not know what life is without him now bless him.

  2. He is lovely - and that rug helps to give some idea of the size of him, you just have to count the diagonal strips by his leg. He is a big dog!

  3. He is certainly a handsome boy and has grown into those big paws he had as a pup, hasn't he?

  4. He's just about perfect Cro. You and Lady M are very lucky!

  5. He's a beautiful, solid boy. Whatever you fed him did the job.

  6. I love that he still sleeps in the same spot. He's a beautiful boy!

  7. My daughter has a yellow lab who looks like there may have been a great dane in his lineage. Looks like Monte might have had the same popa.

  8. They don't stay puppies long...he looks exactly like my Ralphy did...oh I miss him...

  9. Dog tired - but very happy and contented he looks

  10. He's a handsome K9, no matter who his antecedents were!
