Tuesday 6 December 2011

Dog Week: Monty's first portrait.

W C Fields rightly observed that one should 'Never work with children or animals'.

Dogs are notoriously difficult to draw, and one is lucky to get anything down on paper even after several 'sittings'. Even the portraits I did of my children, when they were small, are mostly unfinished on account of their fidgeting; dogs are far worse.

Anyway, here's young Monty; still really a pup' at 11 months. He's patiently waiting for a 'treat' that I placed on a table, just above nose height.


  1. Well done...you and Monty!

  2. A distinguished and confident looking dog. No doubt you have these attributes too to be able to draw so well.

  3. I thought most dog portraits were done from photographs...incredible that you used the 'live model' - well done... it is a wonderful portrait.

  4. It would certainly be easier to use photographs, but there's something much more satisfying by doing it direct; even if I miss a lot. In fact I keep looking at him, and will probably add to it.

  5. I should add that the initial drawing was done in PENCIL... there's been a lot of 'rubbing-out'.

  6. I think you have captured Monty's essence, even if the detail isn't totally accurate...and isn't that the whole point of a portrait?
    He appears very stately.

  7. Superb. That's fantastic Cro. I wish I could draw like that!

    I tried to paint a portrait of my pooch one year, in acrylics.

    a) I couldn't get her to sit in one place, and
    b) I can't paint.

    It was an abstract painting in the end LOL.

  8. You missed the drool. He must have been drooling if he was waiting for a treat.

  9. I can soap but I cannot draw. The world needs both I hear.

    If Monty ever needs a home in the country...in another country, send him over. He had me at "Wello"
