Wednesday 2 November 2011

Monty; canine tumbler. .

I'm showing this video (do people still use that word?) to demonstrate how Monty retrieves a ball or stick.  He tries to grab it in his mouth, then tumbles head over heels in a grand demonstration of canine gymnastics.

Do other dogs do this? I should add that Monty only does this on GRASS; but when on grass he does it EVERY SINGLE TIME.. Lady M worries that he'll break his neck!


  1. re your doggy comment
    "yes cro
    you should ALWAYS ignore a dog for a couple of minutes before greeting it.
    It re enforces the fact that YOU are the alpha male in the pack"

  2. Thanks John. I'd imagined it must have been something of the sort!

  3. I think dogs are quite supple so Monty should be fine, especially being a gangly youth.

    My pooch is older (and lazier) so those kind of antics have stopped.

    ('Video' is ok - as in "would you like to be in my arty nude video?")

  4. Never seen anything like it...hope he does not hurt himself..

  5. That's what young boys do when playing football - fall over for no reason other than it looks good.

  6. Now THAT is enthusiasm! Nice vid, Cro!

  7. He's a dog...I'm sure he wouldn't do anything repetitiously that hurt! He looks like a fine dog Cro.

  8. Looks like he is having lots of fun to me! So cute.

  9. What a gorgeous pup...and so happy. jaacqueline is right..animals are smarter than we are. If it hurt he wouldn't do it.

  10. I love the way Monty's tail wags. Looks like he's having loads of fun

  11. I think he wants to be in the movies Cro! The're always looking for great looking 'stunt dogs' for those action movies!
