Thursday 3 November 2011

Lady M jnr.

This charming little girl; bow in hair, and reading something she obviously finds fascinating, is she who now answers to the name of Lady Magnon.

I was looking at the picture and wondering what one can read into such an ordinary every-day shot.

Firstly I suspect it was taken on a Sunday, I can't see her being dressed up like that from Monday to Saturday. It's also Summer, hence the light simple dress. It must have been taken in the morning, as by the afternoon she would have had lunch stains all down her front, and scuffs on her knees (she hasn't changed). And I suspect she was probably off to church (they still did that in Washington DC in those far off days), or maybe some sort of party, in which case she would probably have been clutching a present (unless that book was the present). I also estimate the year as 1955 ish.

Other than that, I'm stumped. Any further (printable) observations kindly accepted.

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  1. I think she is singing not reading,perhaps at a little gathering at Sunday School or impressing her family by her lovely little song..or perhaps reading a poem,I agree that it was either Sunday or a party,also the time frame is right,whatever it is she is lovely and so simply innocent.

  2. I was thinking poetry as well. I mean standing on steps with a little book, she is either poetry reading or maybe her diary. Sweet photo.

  3. I think you're both right. Probably Poetry Reading!

  4. She looks like she's been distracted from her reading by something far more interesting.

    Nice photo anyways...

  5. it looks like an illistration from an Enid Blyton novel

  6. I agree with John - it looks like one of those paintings by... oh what's that American illustrative artist called??? It has a very painty feel to it, and I would not have thought it a photograph.

  7. My first thought was that the picture was one of the illustrations from an early Peter and Jane reading book. She has the same white dress and bow in her hair! I reckon just out of shot there is an assembled assortment of teddies and dolls, and she is teaching class! That's something my daughter used to do all the time! Sweet pic.

  8. Norman Rockwell Tom?
    Nice to have a memory of a simple and innocent time. She looks like a contented and happy child.

  9. At least her knees are not skinned!

  10. She looks like she just got scrubbed up by Mom, clean clothes and sent outside to read a book and not get dirty until they leave for church. Lovely picture.

  11. Such a picture of innocence and youth, of living in the moment.

  12. Such a precious memory...What I love about it I'm thinking ... is that this lovely little girl was probably the type of girl that didn't even know how lovely she was...she probably let her mother put that bow in her hair and put on that white dress...all she cared about was finding out how the story was going to end!

  13. I think that Lady M looks angelic and what's more I bet she hasn't changed a bit - ask her Cro

  14. Gee, that makes her...ME!! I would be about the same age in 1955!! (and have a picture of me that looks almost identical) And I thought that picture looked quite...old, ha!
