Tuesday 4 October 2011

The Temporary Kitchen.

The Magnon's kitchen has temporarily moved into a corner of my studio, where pots-n-pans now sit side-by-side with tubes of colour and bottles of turps.

We've already been kitchenless for about a month, and (providing I believe them) this will continue for a maximum of one more week.

You'd almost be forgiven for thinking we were having a de-luxe, gargantuan, kitchen fitted; but no, just a small, hand-built, simple job that involves nothing out of the ordinary. We are, however, insisting on quality so it's all hand made in 'ivory' painted solid oak.

I'm not one of those cooks who demands an all mod cons, state of the art, kitchen. As a relaxed cook, I can discretely rustle-up a decent job with just one gas ring and a few simple ingredients.

Anyway, the stuff has now arrived (that's about half of it, above). Our new little kitchen will soon be here and our frustrations forgotten.

Lady Magnon's mostly looking forward to a fully operational oven thermostat for cake making etc, and I just want another working hob, a usable sink, and a chopping block. No doubt we'll both get what we want.

It's bloody chaos. Keep watching.

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  1. I am sure it will be worth the wait. re your comment on my blog it seems as though the weather worldwide is doing unusual things.

  2. It looks just like our permanent one - especially since H.I. blocked the sink last night by chucking a load of chick-peas down it.

    Actually, we have the identical cooker!

  3. Your temporary kitchette look like a health and safety nightmare, Cro.

    I'll bet the new kitchen will be the most used room in the house when it's done. Looking forward to seeing it.

  4. Oh you have my sympathy. We were without a kitchen for 9 months last winter, but like you, we survived by setting up a temporary kitchen while works in progress.
    Looking forward to seeing the end result.

  5. tom stole my line...
    yeap looks like our kitchen.. (minus the dog snot)

  6. We went through that about four years ago. We were told 4 weeks and it took 6, the mess and racket were incredible and I STILL don't have enough counter space. It's exciting though, isn't it?

  7. I've done the temporary thing...not a whole load of fun, but obviously do-able. Calm coming soon, I'm sure.

  8. It will be well worth the chaos and wait. I love the green pots...

  9. Hmmm, that looks like a set up for the unibomber. It will be interesting to see how it comes along.

  10. When remodeling, it is always good to go on a holiday during the install.

    How come complete home remodeling is shown being done in a few days on a TV show? Real life is quite different.

  11. I would be a little anxious if I was invited to eat a meal prepared close to turps.

    Simple kitchens are great - though I suspect yours will be simplicity with style.

  12. A turps vinaigrette.... why not?

  13. It gets worse before it gets better or so they say Cro. You won't know yourselves when it's all up and running.

  14. It all looks beautifully packaged - is it made locally?

  15. One ring gas burner ? What are you , a saint ?! I need 4 minimum. One to keep the popcorn pan ready at all times. One for tea, one for cooking and one for...I forget.

    Is that a gas tank sitting close to the turps ? You do lead an exciting life

  16. SH. It's all made about 20 K's away. The packaging is rather impressive!

  17. Can't wait for the finishing. I just did a little re-do on my kitchen. Everything will be back to normal soon. I also loved the dream post and the photo of the grandson.
