Monday 3 October 2011

In Eggsecution of Duty.

Not so long ago I wondered if they'd ever lay; now they've been eggsonerated, and are laying 3 a day.

The boss, Edwina, lays the big white eggs on the left above, many of which are double yolkers (like the one on eggstreme left).

The 2 Richards eggshibit more delicate ways, and lay smaller, and slightly pinkish, eggs (right).

All three have turned out to be eggsemplary hens, and now eggescute their duties in an eggscellent fashion.

Well done my beauties; you are an eggsample to hens everywhere!
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  1. Cro, you asked on my blog where I had gone. Once again I am unable to post a comment on my blog (even with Google Chrome. The top line doesn't show and doesn't appear to register.

    I also lost all connection with the outside world but have now installed a new router and am back in touch again.

    Lovely looking eggs by the way. Your comment on it being October means it should be spring by now.

  2. I eggspect they just needed a little egging on. (Sorry, that's the best I can do at this early hour.) Lovely eggs.

  3. That's quite a haul of potential omlets there Cro.

    You must be eggstatic!

  4. Eggsactly why is it that the word 'egg' seems to make people use eggstremely bad puns using it?

  5. Your hens are not behaving as eggnigmatic as you would have us believe :)

  6. have been saved from the roasting pan.

  7. Lovely eggs, I'll have a mushroom omlett please :o)

  8. Eggcellent! How about a mushroom souffle?

  9. white eggs were never popular... I love em.....only one of my girls lays white uns

  10. I've never seen pink eggs before--Julia would love them. Looks like things are coming along nicely for you and those hens!

  11. this is truly eggsiting and I am eggstremely happy for you and the girls that all has turned out eggcedingly can have too much of this madness. Lovely!

  12. Just to make an announcement, as someone who has been given the opportunity to sample a few of these eggs, sitting at the French table with a newly laid egg and a piece of toast for breakfast makes it all worthwhile. Tescos have no idea of the real thing. Thanks
    There was a Two Ronnie's sketch
    F U N E X ? or F U N E M N X ? it's on youtube.

  13. Wonderful, Carol. I'd forgotten that one!
