Thursday 29 September 2011

London rooms.

Delores over at (the feathered nest) has prompted this post; for which I thank her.

When Pip moved into his Barnard's Inn rooms with Herbert Pocket, it always reminds me of my late father and his move from Sussex to London.

Nowadays anyone moving into unfurnished accommodation would probably run straight to Ikea, but in his day things were quite different.

Father's first job was in The City of London working for Morley's; a major clothing manufacturer of the twixt-war era. Being a sensible person he took rooms in nearby Milk Street; a short walk from his office.

In the absence of Ikea or Habitat, my grandfather instructed his village carpenter to make a table with 4 chairs and 2 carvers, a wardrobe, a desk, and a drinks cabinet sideboard. All was made in solid limed natural oak, and other than a bed (which I presume was already there) it was all he needed to furnish his few small rooms.

This furniture that his father had offered him stayed with him throughout his life, and I suspect he treasured them more than any other more valuable or interesting pieces. Unfortunately when they became available I had already furnished my own home, so, eventually, most of the items became surplus to requirements and were sold for a pittance. However, I did manage to save the small compact writing desk which I now myself treasure (no picture I'm afraid, it's in England).

I shall pass it on to my oldest son, with strict instructions that he will, in turn, do likewise.


  1. What a wonderful treasure to have and to pass down. I hope your son follows your instructions.

  2. John at Going Gently commented this morning that we never really own things, we are merely custodians, for a while.
    I love that you treasure this desk Cro...stuff can be so overwhelming when it has no meaning.

  3. J. I think I commented to John that we are only ever 'temporary custodians', which is how things should be. We do our best to look after possessions, then pass them on.

  4. Having one loved family treasure is the way to go. Too much becomes clutter and we don't appreciate it as much. It is about getting that one rose, rather than the dozen as it becomes that much more special.

  5. I think to keep just one item with special meaning is nice too. The one thing that I have and really treasure is an old milk churn given to me by my father. It has no value, but memories - that's a different thing altogether. I can't really see either of my children wanting it though so it will probably just die a natural death

  6. Don't let Tom see that bloody candlestick...

  7. OOps, Sorry Cro...I wrote the comment on your blog after reading John's post (but not the comments).
