Friday 30 September 2011


Poor old Monty's still a little sore in the you-know-where dep't; well YOU would be too if you'd just had your bollocks snipped.

However, he's OK; and, between snoozes by the pool, is running around much like before. His mate Bok is being kept away for a while as their play fighting (that usually lasts for most of the day) is a little rough, and could easily see his stitches busting.

We'll keep him quiet for at least 10 days, by which time he'll be all healed up and barking in castrato. Poor bugger! Stitches out on Monday.

p.s. Monty is now 9 months old, and weighs a staggering 38 Kgs (about 84 lbs). No longer the wee puppy we remember from the beginning of the year.
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  1. If you can pan-in on his tongue, you'll just about see the result of his Processionary Caterpillar encounter. The tip is now a strange shape, but at least it's all healed up OK, and gives him no problems.

  2. What a pampered pooch! He's a handsome boy though.

  3. Poor Monty if its not one end its the other!!What a way to rest up,by the pool I imagine being waited upon hand and foot..Get well soon Monty..

  4. It's amazing how the sight of a newly castrated mutt can turn on the male empathy gene like nothing else I know!

  5. I panned in Cro and noticed that poor Monty has quite a sad look in his eyes and no wonder!

  6. LG. You obviously know men better than we know ourselves.... how right you are!

  7. Heron. I think I took the above picture not long after we'd brought him home from the vet's. Still smarting and confused!

  8. If someone had removed my bollocks I would insist on intensive care rather than a deck chair!

  9. Oh g'wan, you know you've done the right thing for Monty. Lovelygrey is right, it's the male bloggers who are wincing in sympathy!

  10. Good for you, for getting them off :o) I can think of a few people who might benefit from this type of adjustment, ha ha. Get well soon Monty

  11. In a couple of weeks he will have forgotten all about it. He is a lovely lad.

  12. He is a beauty. Too bad the ladies didn't get to know him before his snip-snip.

  13. Glad it's over, he can forget all about it now. I love his big front paws.

  14. I think Monty is putting a brave face on it all. Keep up with the pampering.

  15. That reminds me of when I worked at the vets. A couple would bring their rotti pup in to see the vet, in a cat basket and we used to laugh about how he'd grow.
    He now weights 9 1/2 stones!

    I think Monty is lapping up all the extra TLC :-D
