Wednesday 31 August 2011

A Tricky Decision.

We've now named our 3 new hens. It wasn't an easy job, but with the help of Harvey J and Ollie (my grandsons aged 5 and 3) we've finally come up with what we believe to be the perfect names.

The darker one (rear of the two on the right)  had already been named Edwina (she just had to be, didn't she). And the other two are both now to be called Richard. One Edwina and two Richards. Easy to remember, and no need to bother sorting out the two non-Edwinas, who ARE very similar.

Why did they choose a boys name; twice? I have no idea, but if you're 5 and 3 the difference between male and female chickens is probably still a little confusing; and heck, why bother with two names when only one will do.
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  1. Our neighbouring farmer has two horses. Our daughters christened them (11 years ago) Malcolm and Malcolm Too. (They're given names are Reine and Fauvia but they will be forever Malcolm.)

  2. Malcolm & Malcolm, Richard & Richard, whatever next?

  3. Richard is a great name..they are sweeties and Edwina could not be anything other than that...mine are Upsy Daisy,Lilly,Livvy,Lola,Loretta and Lucy...well they were all L's until the Isa Browns arrived and they were Henny Penny and Upsy Daisy, Henny Penny now in heaven where all wonderful chookies the kids tell me lol.

  4. Carole. Many years ago we had some friends come to stay who had traveled down from England in a horse drawn gypsy wagon. They were accompanied by two chickens called Henny Penny and Penny Henny.

    I'm just going to take the axe up to the run.

  5. Good choices. My friends son, when asked to name a blackbird which flew past them in the park, said "Robin."

    His dad said, "Don't be silly, it's a blackbird."

    Son said, "It's a blackbird CALLED Robin!"

    Good thinking.

  6. Sensible lads.

  7. Edwina and the Richards. Perfect, and efficient.

  8. LOL well yes I would say that will keep it simple.

  9. I know someone who has five chickens -- all named Brenda.

    I like to think of her going outside every morning to call her chickens:

    "Brenda, Brenda, Brenda, Brenda, Brenda!"

  10. You're making two Richards seem quite normal.

  11. Two Dicks are always better than one, right John?

  12. Cro - this post made me laugh. Richard the First and Richard the Second. Bless their little hearts

  13. it's like 'my brother Daryl and my other brother Daryl' ...

  14. England had its Richard the Lion-Hearted; now France has Richard the Chicken-Hearted . . . matter of fact, two of 'em! You all come up with some terrific names for your critters.

  15. Welcome to Edwina and Richard x 2!! Hilarious!! Bless your Grandkids - they're great names!!!

  16. Two Richards...this made me smile...

  17. I love it. You know, we all know two Richards in life. I went to school with an Edwina. :-) Perfect choice.
