Sunday 14 August 2011

Then This...

Vegetable gardening is a funny old business. Just a few days ago there were no Aubergines, then today there were huge ones everywhere. I picked just a few to start off my 2011 preserving campaign.

I have just finished my first batch of Aubergines in Tomato Sauce.

I take as many tomatoes as I can spare, cut them up into roughly 2 cm cubes, and cook. I add roughly the same quantity of Aubergines, cut up into 3 cm cubes. I add salt, pepper, garlic, tom purée (if needed to thicken), and olive oil. When all is softened I decant into 500 gm Le Parfait, familia wiss jars, seal with new capsules, and sterilise for 45 mins after a rolling boil has begun.

When I have my next glut of Courgettes I shall do Courgettes in Tomato Sauce. Then later I shall finish up with Ratatouille.

We SHALL eat this winter.
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  1. I forgot to add that I left at least five times this amount on the plants.... Looks like we'll be eating Aubergines for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  2. Well I think it looks like you will have a variety at least.

  3. Wow they look fanastic. I didn't realise aubergines were such a prolific plant. With those and the courgettes you certainly won't go hungry!!

  4. Kim. I only have 6 plants, but they're excelling themselves!

  5. I love the feel of aubergines. Kinky I know!

  6. What about courgettes, Kinky Sue?

    Superb crop, Cro, you should be very happy with your plants this year. I take it they are all grown outside (he mumbled, bitterly envious)

  7. No Chris, courgettes are prickly...

  8. Everything's outdoors.... no poly tunnels or glass houses.

  9. They're pretty...are you going to paint them?

  10. They look beautiful. Eggplant, Aubergines, have always been my favorite plant to look at (but I don't like the way they taste).

  11. I love them in a tomato sauce with lots of garlic. I have had no luck growing the Aubergines (we call egg plant, for some reason) Yours are gorgeous!

  12. I tootled over here from Johns blog.

    This was my first year to be successful with eggplants. They just made and made. I canned what was called tapanade? It is excellent!

  13. much classier than "them thar eggplants." Cro, you bring such class to my blog world. Many thanks

  14. I'd never tried Aubergines and then grew some last year - we didn't like them and there were flaming loads. I never grew them again!

  15. I'll trade you one jar of cherry chutney for one aubergine and tomatoes! great it would be to be just around the corner!!

  16. Mmm.. sounds delicious. I've tried several times but had no success in growing aubergines.
