Saturday 13 August 2011

Rubber Chicken.

Who invented the Rubber Chicken?

I've consulted Wiki to no avail, but whoever was responsible I salute you!

Every home should have one (we still don't).

Viva henus rubbarum.
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  1. 'Loving' a rubber chicken is illegal in many countries - but whatever floats your boat...

  2. I've obviously led a sheltered life. I've no idea what a rubber chicken is all about! Anyone care to enlighten me?

  3. No it's not - it's a chicken made of rubber, Sue. If you cannot visualise it, go to the top of the page where one is on display. There is a great shooting trick which I have tried using a rubber chicken:

    You get a large tin can, of the sort which has a round, press-fit lid to it, and you fill it with water. You then put it on a table (outdoors!) and place a rubber chicken on the top. Then you take about twenty paces away from it, aim at the centre of the can with a 12-bore shotgun and pull the trigger. The results are spectacular - the chicken flies up about 40 feet into the air on the resulting column of water from the can.

  4. They make great Christmas decorations...

  5. Oh Delores. I can just picture it... a whole tree decorated with identical rubber chickens... spectacular!

  6. We don't have one...but they are so funny!! :) Have a great weekend!.. we're headed to Bardstown, Kentucky to see "My Home Kentucky Home" and the Stephen Foster Story Musical there on the grounds....

  7. How very odd that you should mention rubber chickens - we bought a rubber chicken leg for Harveydog today!! Does that count? Can I join the club?!!

  8. Tom has run out of Boule's to throw at hideous mugs and has resorted to rubber chicken abuse!

    PULL!!!!!.......BLAMMM!! BLAMMM!!

  9. A rubber chicken, huh? Y'all are hilarious. (I do believe I'd get a kick out of trying Tom's shooting game with one, though.)

  10. Actually, it's just BLAM. You don't need two shots unless you go for the chicken as it drops from 40 feet... which isn't a bad idea come to think of it.

  11. Funnily enough in my PR career,'rubber chicken circuit' was the phrase long-used to describe dire mass-catering at various expensive but poorly organised events from product promotions to conferences, sports club dinners etc. Not to mention weddings. Wonder if it's still true, or whether the more recent rise and influence of celebrity chefs has improved the offerings at these events. I suspect nothing much has changed except for the menu description attempting to disguise the same old over-cooked ('rubber') meat with added newly fashionable veg.

  12. Cro, how funny, these are available here in all the junky shops.When we first got our motor bike a friend gave us one and Bob put it in the panea(saddle bags)but half was hanging out,I cannot tell you how many horns beeped and people yelled to him "your chook is getting out!" poor things couldn't tell a rubber head from real,anyway it gave us a laugh and many memories,another friend did it with the half cat that are available,you can just buy the back end..why...just cause you can I suppose.

  13. Have you ever cooked chicken in a microwave oven? Now that's a real rubber chicken.
