Tuesday 2 August 2011

Pomarède Fête.

Wills and Kellogg hadn't been to this particular fête before, and they loved it (even thought Wills is a veggie). The tables were all lined up outside the small medieval church, a dreadful mobile disco blasted 'Viva Espania' every few minutes, and enough grilled lamb cutlets were served to feed several armies.

We didn't stay for the dancing as everyone was tired and we had to get up early the following morning for our own village 'Vide Grenier' (Boot sale). Photos later maybe.

I apologise for the quality of the pix... It was one of those nights!..... And, no; I didn't buy anything at the 'Vide Grenier'.
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  1. Looks like a good night was had by all.

  2. Hello:
    Perhaps we have this completely wrong, but it seems to us that your lives in France abound with these very jolly and lively gatherings where, whatever the music, there is always excellent and plentiful food to be had. This all looks to be great fun.

  3. H. It's known as The Land of Plenty or The Generous Earth.... with good reason!

  4. So great you have local community get-together's like that.

    My parents had planned to move out to Southern France when they retired but have backed out now.

    It's nights like that they've missed out on (amongst other things).

  5. What a wonderful life you lead.
