Wednesday 3 August 2011

Cèpes Ahoy.

There's a good side to almost any type of weather; one just has to be optimistic.

The second half of July was very un-Summery, with some rain nearly every day for two weeks; perfect to bring up everyone's favourite mushroom 'The Cèpe'.

They are popping up medium sized, non-wormy, and in reasonable numbers. I just hope it lasts for a while as we have some serious mushroom-loving guests arriving today.
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I've just been out for a second look-around, and came back with this lot. Oh, and I even found one Girolle.


  1. Hello:
    May you and your guests enjoy many delicious mushroom meals over the next few days. We do hope so and, looking into your basket, it rather looks as if you will.

  2. They look delicious. I think I might have to go for a walk in the woods today...

  3. It's a little after 8.00am and I've just returned from an early sortie. The woods are FULL of cepes. I came home with 3 full bags! I couldn't carry any more!

  4. How wonderful is that Cro,the vast difference from where we live ,we do not have woods near by or the pleasure of picking mushies in the cool of the morning,just another blissful thing that is a plus for France.

  5. You could be a food photographer the way you've arranged those mushroom in that basket...

    By the way Cro, have you left any Mushrooms for anyone else lol?

  6. Chris. Today there's enough for everyone. Even a blind man would go home with a haul!

  7. I'm not a blind man, but I'm not smart enough to know what I'm "seeing" when I look at mushrooms in the wild, either. Best I stick to the market, and trust that someone THERE knew what the heck they were doing.

  8. Fantastic haul Cro. I can't speak/spell French but bon appetit (hope I'm close enough there).

  9. Thanks Delores. We've been eating our fill, and shall continue to do so! One of earth's great bounties.

  10. I like the sound of 'serious mushroom loving friends' :) And it has given me an idea for dinner!

  11. My hubby used to love to go out and gather mushrooms when he was young. Now he just trolls the aisles in the supermarket or Farmer's market.

    Like Catfish Tales, I also remember that Alfred Hitchcock show on the man poisioning his wife with mushroom soup. Maybe that is why I never ate mushrooms until the last few years. It must have made an impression on me.

  12. Those look so darn good! We don't have those kind in our parts. About the rabbits in my garden, we got one with the shotgun when they were demolishing the green beans, and that kept them away for a while, but looks like we are going to have to get vigilant again! My husband is talking about putting a fence around it for next year. Thanks for commenting, and following my meager blog.
