Sunday 26 June 2011

More Treasure.

As it's sunday (and blogs remain mostly unread on sundays), I can let you know that here in the land of Johnny Hallyday and snail eating, the 'boot sale' season is in full swing.

On the way back from market we came upon a village that was stuffed to the gunnels with junk; we couldn't resist!

As a connoisseur of all things rustic (or even rusty), this very heavy three spike pricket candlestick just had to come home with me.

Sadly, Lady M has banned me from buying any more white oval plates; I can't think why. You can never have enough plain white antique oval plates! Can you?
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  1. Crikey Cro,I hope you don't sit on that by mistake after a couple of simply devine wines lol good find..I think!

  2. Hello:
    May we dare to suggest to Lady M that, possibly, on this occasion, she may well have been a little short sighted? We agree, you can never have too many large white plates, oval or otherwise. After all, you never know when the next army may drop in requiring to be fed.

  3. Eat yer heart out Stephenson, it only cost €8.

  4. I love that candlestick.
    I find most of the brocantes are either tat or expensive stuff. I like to look for peopel who look like it is their first brocante, they seem to have the best stuff.
    Thanks for yor comment abot Max. Yesterday was weird going for a walk in Loches forest without him.

  5. If it had a date stamped on saying 1577 and was worth a fortune I would literally piss myself laughing.

    Well done Cro.

  6. Has your constant exposure to my constant harping on about candlesticks given you another obsession to go with white oval plates? That three-pronged jobby is probably worth 8 euros in scrap these days - not that I am saying you should scrap it, it's very handsome. Destined for the tower?

  7. Well at least at the next power failure you'll have triple candle power to light your way. Do you clean something like that up or do you just leave it as it? Actually, just thought of this, you could use it like the police do to stop speeders. Just put it in the middle of the road.

  8. MBJ. Do you think it would work on QUADS?

    Tom. It WAS for the tower, but the spot I'd picked for it is too small. I'll soon find another use for it.

  9. Cro - I find junk so resistable. My OH thrives on the stuff. Lady M has my full support!

  10. I like it. There's a neat candle store west of where I live that sells the perfect kind of candles for this. They're round with dipped colors, and then you just stab them onto the stakes.

    Cool find!

  11. Excellent. I want to boot in your neck of the woods. And, no, you can never have too many vintage white oval plates.

  12. I like it. Though it does look like it could be wielded as a dangerous weapon!

  13. What a wonderful find! We went to a flea market yesterday, too. As usual, my husband brought home some more tools, (I swear, he could open his own store!)but we also found a high-end portable crib for a steal. Seven of our grandchildren are coming for a visit next month, so it'll come in handy.
