Saturday 25 June 2011


Before Woolworth's closed down in the UK, it used to have the only really good gardening department on the high street. In spring they sold seeds, plants, gardening kit; and best of all, FRUIT TREES.

I bought several fruit trees at Woolies, and the best of the lot was certainly this 'Bramley Seedling'; the world's best cooking apple. I seem to remember it was on 'Special Offer', and cost about £2.

I trimmed it down to the bare minimum, brought it over to France in the car, and planted it on the edge of a small lawn; that lawn eventually became our pool. The pool builders were given strict instructions that the tree should NOT be harmed in any way.

It now sits just behind the Pump House, and has never failed to present us with a fantastic crop. Any recipe that calls for cooked apple would be enhanced tenfold by the use of a Bramley. Pies, crumbles, tarts; all cry out for its use. Once used; never forgotten.

I have no idea if these are available universally; but if they are, I recommend!
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  1. In our old farm orchard we had Duchess, Snows, Transparents (best pie apples ever), Spy, Macintosh, Russets and a few others that my old brain cannot drag forth. I do not recall a Bramley. Must not work over here. Once again Cro, thanks for the memories.

  2. Hello:
    We had forgotten. But, yes, for some reason Woolworth used to sell bare rooted fruit trees and, if we remember correctly, hybrid tea roses in similar state and packaging.

    Bramley are, in the main, quite readily available in the UK.

  3. My entire orchard (about 18 trees) consists of various fruit trees bought from Aldi (a kind of cut cost supermarket in the UK)at about four quid a go.

    These trees (a few are Bramley apple trees)are superb and have all taken off at full pelt. The branches are so loaded with fruit this year they are bent right over.

    No point in spending £50 on a tree from a nursery...

  4. The Bramley is the only one of ours that is over-loaded with fruit this year, but the others are holding their own. £50 for a fruit tree? They must be crazy!

  5. Yes, 'Pick 'n' Mix' - thanks for the memories. What an innovation for a kid who was brought up over a sweet shop and strictly rationed. Oh yes, and Bramleys are indeed the best cookers.

  6. Blackberry and apple crumble - not long to wait now. Mmm-mmm. We haven't got any apple trees in the garden so just resort to scrumping. It's not a problem with the excess of orchards around here but I just have to take pot luck regarding the make of apple!

  7. You are so lucky to have fresh apples on your property. Nice pool, too! Have a great weekend, Cro!

  8. I will certainly look for Bramley apples this fall. I agree that fruit trees eventually become loyal and valued members of any family lucky enough to cohabitate with them. I left a lemon tree behind in California and I still haven't gotten over it!

  9. I bought some lovely plants from woolies....
    you know the ones near the door in those cheapo plastic bag things....
    still have some in the garden too

    apart from this memory, I always HATED wollies with some venom.... bady run and designed I always thought

  10. I've never heard of this kind of apple before, but have never met an apple I didn't like. When I was a child, we used to pick apples at my grandmother's, and then have peeling competitions before baking pies. Even today, when I peel an apple, I still try to remove that pesky peel in one big piece.

  11. It's a shame Woolies had to close. I picked up some good plant bargains there too. Your Bramley's done brilliant!

  12. Bramley's are beautiful cookers. We have ours cored and stuffed with pecans, mixed fruit and some brown sugar then baked in the oven. Stunningly simple with some custard or ice cream. Mmm makes me yearn for Autumn - and the way the weather has been over here in the UK today we could be forgiven for thinking that it was that time already!! Have a great weekend x

  13. Kim. Watch out, it's going to SIZZLE.

    Susan. Wasn't than a con trick to get us to help with peeling potatoes?

  14. One of the best days of the year is when I take my grandchildren apple-picking at a near-by orchard. Always come home with too many because each variety has something going for them. Besides, the grandchildren can talk me into anything and they never want to stop picking.
