Sunday 5 June 2011

Menace from the Sky?

We had some wonderful dark skies a few days ago; usually a good sign (if you're hoping for rain).

We've all been dying for a downpour; but it didn't happen. Just a few claps of thunder, and half an hour's pathetic drizzle; accompanied by a few French hooligan trainee fighter pilots, who tried to dislodge our chimney-pots.

What we need is steady rain for several days (preferably nights). This mamby-pamby 'dampness' does no-one any good.

STOP PRESS: Just had a real half-hour DELUGE. Bring it on!  
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  1. Hello:
    Glad to read the Stop Press!

    We are experiencing very hot days for May/June with daytime temperatures at a constant 30C+. However, most evenings, lasting for an hour or so, we have electrical storms with very heavy rain. So, on balance, we are faring rather better than you.

  2. H. The ground is now so hard that most of the rain simply rolls off the surface and ends up in either a river or stream. We need good gentle rain for a long period. We'll survive.

  3. It will definitely rain this coming week; we are due to have our roof re-tiled.

  4. A sure sign, Sue! Planned any BBQ's as well?

  5. Hurrah we had a really good storm last night. Started with thunder and lightening then rained and rained. This morning the air is much fresher and it looks as if we had over an inch, but it has all just soaked in. Good job MOH mowed the weeds yesterday - we haven't got any grass left! Hopefully there will be more in the next few days;
    La NR is no wsaying that the nuclear plants are struggling because there is not enough water in the river!!!

  6. Get the French Air Force to drop water on Haddocks?

  7. The one in the photo was just dropping off an old mattress and fridge!

  8. I'm glad you finally got SOME's hoping for more.

  9. I don't mind to give some british rain away ;)

  10. More and more counties, and areas in surrounding states, have flood warnings. You need some of our rain.

  11. We can send you some too - Bloomin' stuff!!! Fab pic of dark skies though - nothing more stunning than an acid green leafy tree against a black sky. Well ok there probably is but I can't think of anything right now!!

  12. I couldn't agree more, Kim. Shame about the fighter plane!

  13. There's nothing I like better than a dark dramatic sky. It's far more enjoyable than a blue one.

  14. Still beastly hot here, and no rain in sight. Maybe I should try washing and waxing my car; that ought to instigate a good downpour or hail storm. Only problem is, it's too darned hot to get out there and do it!
