Saturday 4 June 2011

Boot Sale Treasures (?)

If I go to a boot sale, I don't really feel satisfied unless I buy something.

I don't know why, but for some reason we've always wanted a fish kettle. Now we have one; I wonder how often it'll be used!

Otherwise I've just bought a pair of (probably) Italian hand painted salad bowls. Good simple peasant fare; just my style. They ARE being used.
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  1. Hello:
    We too have always wanted a fish kettle. We have no idea for what reason, other than that they sound and look good. But now you, at least, have no excuse not to be poaching whole salmons - the most wonderful of summer foods - to which may be added a few new potatoes and a green salad, eaten from those very pretty, newly acquired dishes.

  2. All of a sudden I've got fish kettle envy - must look out for one at the next boot sale in France, the world's leading nation for excessive kitchen gadgetry!

  3. The bowls are pretty. We have garage sales here and I am terrible for coming to a screeching halt for them. Even though I am forever saying I don't need any more stuff in the house I usually come home with something.
    Could you use the fish kettle to cook aspragus? You can always line it with something and use it for a kitchen counter planter for herbs.

  4. We are kindred spirits. Lovely finds.

  5. Ah, HA! A "boot sale" is NOT a place for buying BOOTS! When I started reading this, I was thinking, "How strange to buy THAT at a shoe store! Rather like purchasing a steak at a fish house!" Then I realized your boot sale must be like our flea market, which probably sounds even stranger to you than boot sale sounded to me. After all, who in the world wants to buy FLEAS?

  6. People used to congregate with their cars, open the boot, and sell their junk straight out of the back. Hence the expression 'Boot Sale'. As for buying either a garage or some fleas.....

  7. Great finds Cro, the fellow next door to us has a similar kettle but it is a smoker and sometimes the air smells devine,I am sure you will use it at least once lol.

  8. My man has a compulsion to buy things from boot sales too. The salad bowls are nice. Fish Kettle - pass on that one!

  9. I have a fish kettle just like yours. Don't worry about how often you will use it - mine sees plenty of action as it gets borrowed by all and sundry!

  10. I love those bowls Cro...the cherries will look delicious in them too!
