Friday 13 May 2011

Death to Mice!!

It's been unusually hot here for almost two months. No rain; no respite. So I decided to open up the pool a little earlier than usual.

We have a pretty standard Hayward circulation system of pump, filter, vari-flo valve, and wall-mounted electrical control box. When I turned on (after having gone through the usual set-up rigmarole, nothing happened.... I opened the electrical box to find a bloody mouse nest and several chewed wires.

I am now waiting for the electrician to come and fix things for me. Meanwhile my now uncovered pool is probably about to turn green.

My own fault of course, for not having put down mouse-poison, but I really could do without all this bullshit.
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  1. Oh dear Cro - you're not having much luck. Hope your arm is on the mend.

  2. Phew - I thought you said "Death to Mise" for a minute.

  3. Hello:
    We should find this so very annoying and frustrating. What a bore!

    When in the wilds of Herefordshire we used to have mice problems but, thankfully, and at least so far, they have not followed us to Budapest. In Brighton the seagulls throw things down the chimney but that is only a minor irritation.

  4. Don't you have any cats patrolling your outbuldings and house?

  5. Pesky mice. We have wire chewing squirrels, too.

  6. Why DO they chew the wires?

  7. There's no logic in them chewing off that plastic coating. Mice are strange, evil creatures.

  8. The answer must be a cat-flap in the pump-house door.

  9. re: My previous post. Against my better male instinct, I have today visited the quack. It seems that I have a torn tendon on my shoulder. Lots of pills, little sympathy, and another week of boredom. I just hope that I'll be back to normal within a week.

  10. I wish you luck. I tore a tendon in my shoulder in October and am still having physio and taking copious quantities of paracetamol. I also had a cortisone injection which, unfortunately, didn't help. It is finally improving and I have hurt the other shoulder now. Should realise I am not a spring chick any more!!!!!!!

    Still, the firewood needs splitting and getting in, rubbish putting out etc. etc.

  11. 8 months? Are you trying to make me depressed? However, for the moment I see no improvement in mine. I'm just trying to use it as little as possible; not easy.

  12. I still do as little as possible - on really bad days that is hardly anything but as I said the jobs still need doing.

    I attempted to start a blog a few days ago. Thought it would be good for the brain trying to work out the "how to's"

    Hope your recovery is speedier than mine - you do have youth on your side!!
