Wednesday 11 May 2011

Cro Out Of Action (almost)

I've somehow torn a muscle in my upper left arm, and it's very painful. (this picture is not me)

I can't sleep at night without pouring pain killers down my throat (and even then...). And trying to do anything with that arm, other than scratch my stomach, is almost impossible.

Lady M's made me a sling from sackcloth and ashes (I get no sympathy), and she's already threatening to continue my plastering job; which is another way of saying 'get back to work, or else'.

I hope my recuperation doesn't last too long; there's so much to do!
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  1. This probably accounts for my previous bad mood (which I've now removed).

  2. Hello:
    We are so very sorry about the arm, the sling and the lack of sympathy from Lady M.

    But, having read the previous post [now removed], we are delighted that you are in better humour. It did not seem at all like you - probably just the artistic temperament at work!!

  3. I was about to say that your fingers have put on weight over the years. Is your injury Onan-related?

  4. O'hCro you poor buggar!!!! lol where have you heard that before? anyhoo hope you don't be inconvienienced too long,and I know how painful that is yukk..get well soon and get plastering..

  5. Why don't you just continue plastering with the other arm?

  6. If only I could! I hate not being able to do things that NEED to be done.

  7. It's all lies, he's being pampered to death but still grumpy and being a man; won't go to the doctor!!! As for plastering he will be plastered by tonight.

  8. Sorry to hear your "wing" is injured. Take some arnica to speed healing. (Hey, I knew about baking soda, right?)

  9. Sounds like LM knows you well. A sick or injured man is not fun to have around.

  10. Uh-oh. Grumpy and injured? Take Lady M's advice and go to the doctor.

  11. You could try taking some nurofen with a Strawberry Daiquiri. That's what I'm dosing my sciatica with as the sun goes down.

  12. Heal fast Cro!

  13. have another shot and you wont feel ANYTHING

  14. Think about it this way, if you get the things done now that need to be done you'll injure your arm again, but if you wait a few days you'll get more done in the future. That probably doesn't make any sense. But anyway . . . hope you feel better soon!

  15. Oh I missed your bad tempered post, Cro, never mind - I hope your arm is better soon. Perhaps Lady M will get really good at plastering and then you can sit back and admire! It's amazing what we females can achieve with a bit of praise!

  16. man Cro so sorry! maybe it'll get bad enough you'll go to the dr.! You might have torn something and need surgery, just thought I'd cheer you up with that thought!
