Friday 25 March 2011

Perfect Spring Day.

Yesterday my SHORTS came out from their winter quarters. The mid-day temperature was just above 20 C. And, apart from a few radiation particles, the sky was perfectly clear all day.

All the plum, peach, and pear trees are in flower, and my heavily trimmed quince tree has sprouted its leaves (above).

Everything was incredibly quiet. Only the sound of my own chainsaw in the afternoon (it was also a perfect day for log sawing) disturbed an otherwise idyllic spring day.
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  1. Make the most of it Cro, I can guarantee it will start to rain/snow/hail in a week's time!

  2. Rain forecast for Sunday....that's OK.

  3. I'd be happy with a little rain here to wash away all this snow. Too cold for rain though I think! Enjoy the sunshine Cro.

  4. Well, I'm happy for you. Extremely jealous but happy. Oh man, I can't wait for sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee weather.

  5. that photo resembles a film set

  6. I love your shadow shots of the table and chairs. Looks perfect!

  7. Sounds and looks perfect. My 'frighten the horses' shorts were in action today as well - oh joy.

  8. Wow. I'd love to bring a bunch of that springy feeling over to our neck of the woods. We are up past our eyeballs with winter this year and ready to be done! Your photo was oh so gorgeous.
